The following is a writing (with accompanying artwork above) that I did in December 2018 and want to share on the 42nd anniversary of my father’s death.
Daddy I saw you in a dream once.
It was dark and there was a tree in the far distance that was illuminated.
You were under the tree clutching your chest and I knew you were having your heart attack.
I ran to you like I do every time I’ve seen you dying in my dreams these past forty years…always, I am trying to save you and tell you I love you.
When I ran toward you under the tree, you kept getting smaller and smaller as I got closer and closer to you.
When I got to you, you were so tiny that I scooped you up like a grasshopper in my hands.
Maybe…even maybe…you were a grasshopper….
I‘ve had another dream about you since then…and another…and another…and another…and…then I had one that I never had before.
It was the same dream – you are having your heart attack and dying – and I am wanting to tell you I love you.
But this time something different happened.
This time I was a grown woman in the dream.
I pulled you close, face to face, and I wasn’t saying “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
I pulled you close to me and I said, “Thank you. Thank you for all you did for me.”
I am not sure if I’ve dreamed of you since then…

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