September 25, 2021


The Art of Aloneness

The sense of being alone is far too common in this world.  Some of the most obvious reasons are the widow, the orphan, the misfits, the divorced, and yes, the unhappily married…just to name a few. I imagine the ways each person who finds themselves in alone places either regularly or from time to time are as unique as the person.  There is a quotation I’ve liked that came from James Taylor in one of his documentary interviews: ​ “To me, very...

Jesus, Our Mediator

Our relationship with Jesus is the most personal and precious and open and vulnerable relationship we can imagine and cultivate.  In my view, it is one where there are no rules.  No right or wrong way to talk to Him and with Him.Because we can trust that the gentlest of hands – His hands – will sift through the wheat and the chaff of our expressions – keeping and especially acting upon what He knows to be good, right and...