Hey! Is there any money in that?!
What’s the resume and where do I sign up?
(pauses to listen)
Voice says: Show up at the Louvre, tell them you are Van Gogh while at the same time, get your stuff into the Google. That is how you sign up, and…um…make some money at it too!
(pauses to respond)
Me and Me: Geez Louise…I feel conflicted over this. Part of me wants to do this but the other part doesn’t want to impersonate a paranoid schizophrenic. What to do, what to do!!! Quite a conundrum.
Ha ha…this is the quickest blog piece I may ever form, as I take yet another split/second/break from my work.
I hear ding ding dongs.
Oh no, I better hide!
There are blog bots sending me emails titled:
“No need to work anymore. Just launch the robot.”
Launching blog robots…sounds frightening…I would really rather WORK.
I’m so anxious. They are coming into my email. Disguised I tell you, disguised.
Blog Bots.

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