For some, this post may not be popular and may be met with a knee-jerk reaction to the title. I ask those who are concerned with both justice (of all sorts) and truth to bear with me. I also ask that those with such interests even go the extra mile–if you are one to listen to podcasts and especially those that might challenge one’s current understandings–and listen to this one.
I always find Benjamin Boyce’s various interviews quite interesting. This one in particular really deconstructed current ideology with the lens of religion, and what constitutes a religion-like (or actual new religion/sect) within the teachings of political doctrines.
I find all this of great significance as we witness various things unfolding before us. The intersectional connection between Critical Race Theory and its movements (BLM, for example) and Gender Ideology is one that is only now coming into clearer focus in my mind. Previously, I thought they were two separate movements, but I do believe they are inter-related in a number of ways.
As I listen to some talks I will take note of phrases/parts that really strike me. The title to this piece did come from a statement made within the talk, at some point.
One part I found quite interesting–especially in the sense that some observers have a name for this phenomenon–is the part about hot-takes. I am not going to comment/point out their example here, because I would rather interested readers listen to the interview in its entirety and discover that part for themselves.
The other part I found of interest was a particular point of analyzing the way the phrase white fragility is being used. It is revealed for what it is–a sleight of hand–in terms of inherent logic/implications. As deconstructed in this three-way conversational interview, it reminds me of the old saying, “Heads I win; tails you lose.”
As I begin to listen to other sides of this issue, I have the growing feeling that I (and others like me who are driven by empathy/compassion and spiritual desire for all that is good, right and holy in the world for everyone) have been had by all of this.
And that, I find both disappointing, disillusioning and otherwise frightening.

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