Every day I seem to learn something new. I thought I knew what a Karen was, but didn’t know until yesterday that Karenism went beyond racism and was now a slur toward those opposing destructionism of children. So I suppose anyone these days can be called a Karen, for better or worse. I’m getting the distinct feeling that what qualifies one into Karenhood is somewhat arbitrary and could be something as simple as holding a viewpoint one doesn’t like.
Personally, I’m quite fond of a number of Karens I have known over the years! And I quite like the idea that mama bears of all colors, creeds and names are uniting together to protect the most vulnerable–their children. When Karen and Ebony agree on something, we should pay attention!
But apparently, Moms For Liberty, a specific group I heard about (under that specific title) for the first time yesterday, is a “domestic terrorist group.” At least, the powerful in Google tell us that.

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