I admire those who have a way with words in their writings. Today, I read this well-expressed piece by another writer on Substack (What if it won’t be enough?) and took note of two phrases that struck me, combining them into my title. She mentions an army of girls and then later toward the end, the idea of having phantom breasts. In case any reader is unclear of the context, this is a direct reference to the reality of having a phantom limb after surgical removal.
The first metaphor of an “army of girls” struck me in my mind’s eye, because it is a truth that a powerful force is conscripting our daughters (and our sons) into its warring mechanism; and we know that in military terms, individual identity is generally stripped away and the loyal soldier will give everything for the cause. They have undergone bootcamp and have been trained to sacrifice themselves for the cause. Again, I invite readers to visit the Substack piece for a better glimpse of this mother’s expression concerning her daughter.
The image of “phantom breasts” should also speak for itself–especially (and hopefully) deeply resonating with any reader here that is a mother, and also the fathers that have beheld their children at the breast of their mother. The mother-child bond is one of the very deepest of human relationships, and it should be noted that in my various readings, explorations and listening in parent support groups, there is a particular attack/venom that seems directed at mothers, specifically, within the “trans” army.
I write to raise awareness. Some readers may not have reason nor be inclined to keep abreast of these current issues facing children and families, and I hope to keep bringing things for consideration, giving it the proper attention the matter deserves.
We need to be aware of the lingo and acronyms being used, so that when we read things or see headlines, we understand. The writer uses FTM in her piece, an acronym I’m familiar with since I regularly read about things in this realm and dialogue with parents in support groups. The parents, for brevity, also use the current acronyms of FTM and MTF when they refer to their situation and express their troubles, pains and seek prayer/supportive input from others in how to navigate the treacherous waters.
FTM is shorthand for a female who is attempting to become a male
MTF is shorthand for a male who is attempting to become a female
I say attempting with intention.
I write today to encourage readers to read the piece this other writer has expressed, and I don’t want to re-state too much of it since she did such an excellent job in every way. I applaud her for this piece and it is worthy of your time.
What I can do here, to supplement that writer’s expression, is to present images of chest binders (which she makes references to). Some readers may not know what a chest binder is, or the popularity (and dangers) associated with their usage. (Conversely, there is binding tape that is used by a MTF to tightly bind genitals, even pushing parts into the inguinal canal.) Many public schools are providing students with such equipment, without communication with parents. This horrendous practice is now being considered psychological and medical “care.” For those interested, here is a sampling on some “health” website explaining “safe tucking” of male genitals. This piece mentions the inguinal canal, just as in other readings I’ve stumbled upon on this topic.
In my search relating to chest binders (so readers can envision what is being discussed), I came across this article by a physician. Ironically the title is about “safe practice” for chest binding. How in the world have we so lost our collective minds that a physician dares educate people how to “more safely” do something inherently harmful to their body (while calling it “medical care”). His website’s url is named “pride-in-practice” as a dot-org. This should leave readers with a clearer understanding of the medical community’s increasingly faciliatory role in this madness.
(Above) Notice the Walmart description utilizes the linguistics “You Deserve To Feel Proud To Be Yourself” while selling an item that is to be used in inherently NOT being proud of being a biological woman.
For further reading:
My featured image in this piece was cropped from the photo below, which I saw in this article from the Huffington Post EXPOSED: The Truth About Top Surgery
Thank You For Reading
Please Feel Free To Express Your Thoughts Below
August 19, 2023It feels wrong to thank you for sharing these horrific things, but that’s because the images and concepts are so horrific. And I do thank you. And I’ll read the article you linked to.