If communism were to erupt and slowly unfold on our shores, what would be the primary obstacle to its adoption and flourishing? And what would facilitate its spread and potential for gradually increased control and censorship?
The-Brick-and-Mortar-Church and the Historic Christian Faith would be the number one obstacle.
And the Internet would be the easiest medium to slowly enforce censorship. Why are more Christians moving away from physical church attendance and embracing online forms of “church?” Who owns (and controls) the internet?
The Worldwide Web is controlled and censored by various national governments, including that of the United States. Each government allows its citizens to access that which they consider acceptable.
We have already witnessed how easily censorship was deployed by governmental and corporate “fact checkers” during the pandemic and in many other realms. Even now, so-called Christian activists are attempting to infiltrate Christian colleges to bring discrimination cases into the courts in hopes of stripping Title XI exemptions. One noteable case from this past year involved Houghton College and the firing of two employees for what they claimed was “pronoun usage” issues on their emails. In listening closely to their online “case” against Houghton, toward the end Shua Wilmot said something about “this is what happens when you are trying to stir up ‘beautiful trouble.'” (paraphrase…it’s toward the end of this video).
The phrase struck me as odd, since it is so close to John Lewis’ “Good Trouble” book. I Googled and discovered “Beautiful Trouble” has a website and is based on a “playbook” for social justice activists, by the same name.
So why can’t many Christians who are being lured down this ideologic, unbiblical path see where it might lead? It’s like a chess game…pieces are moving in some type of coordination and if we are not focused on potential future moves, we will find ourselves in the position of thinking, “I never saw THAT coming” as our king is put into checkmate.
I speak in metaphor, and of course the chess metaphor will break down if taken too literally…but…let’s remember that it isn’t new for political machines and demonic forces to seek the “taking” of KING JESUS. So imagine down the road where we’ve been slowly convinced to deconstruct the brick-and-mortar church (private property) for “online” Christianity…or to adopt a “missional” ideology telling us to simply “go have church in a local restaurant.”
Recently I was curious about how “physical churches” might fit into the future urban planning agenda of the “15 minute city.” (Would these cities limit the choice to one, for example and destroy existing churches for the sake of the “efficient” plan? Limiting people to walking/biking to church within 15 minutes would seem to inherently limit freedom of religion…and since these potential cities seem to necessitate government control…well…then…the government would potentially establish a “generic” church?? In my readings, I also came across an article on churches and eminent domain issues.
“Eminent domain refers to the power of the government to take private property for a public purpose without the owner’s consent.” – Source
I could not find anything relevant along my own lines of thinking (the danger of gradually getting churches to relinquish private property and opt into de-centralized meeting places and online “communities” that can easily be controlled) other than a Catholic piece. I suppose since the Catholic Church is the second largest owner of property worldwide, they might have a certain take on this more readily than Protestants? The Catholic argument against 15-minute cities
What happens when/if government and courts succeed in establishing new laws around inclusivity and equity, and then online Pastors that are teaching traditional biblical practices and historic doctrines find their YouTube channel censored and removed? This happened easily among the scientific community during the pandemic: any view that wasn’t the government-corporate-sanctioned view about the origins of covid, the vaccine, treatments, and more were de-platformed. Facebook censored users from sharing any articles/data that went against the official narrative.
What will happen if churches submit to the “new ways and means?” There really wasn’t any meaningful, or easy recourse for many YouTube and other platforms that were censored. This media/journalistic censorship cannot be (indirectly or directly) invited into our churches. And if churches and Pastors continue getting onboard with the plethora of “networks” that seem to be arising and utilized, they may drag many Christian communities so far in it will be too late.
The power of these various online networks and associations is exponential. Below, the featured video brings GLOO to our attention–spoiler alert, when churches join this network, they gain access to a variety of materials and means including pre-crafted sermons, complete with graphics.
What in the world could go wrong with THIS?
Alternate parallel highways get you at the same destination. There is the fast route and the scenic route.
Think of the fast route as our political scene, and of course, the new religion of WOKEISM. And the scenic route in churches is the trendy unbiblical ideologies laden with many things to “look at…ask the ‘better’ question of…unpack…call out…make space for…explore…hold new conversations about…” all the while… moving the Church in the same general direction as the worldly powers and agendas both political and demonic.
This topic and and my feeble ability to organize and link the plethora of evidences thereof are so very unwieldy in my mind. Every time I think I can organize it all to present to a reader in a clearly identifiable fashion, I become absolutely overwhelmed at the assignment. The research (and my increasing exposure and awareness to) is vast and extensive, and unless readers would willingly agree to venture into all the inter-related links and information, they might easily dismiss what I am attempting to bring to our attention (for those who might care and want to know these things).
I am not the only one nor the first one to be taking note of these shifts and their connectedness. But the nature of this “beast” of a thing is so very slippery…the best I seem to be able to do without finding myself consumed in trying to communicate all that I’ve now taken in, is to urge those truly concerned about Church matters to start somewhere—trying to grab hold of the head or tail or other slimy extremity of THIS THING.
I get it…we see so many recommended talks and links these days. Why should you spend your precious time on any of this?
But this is a serious starting point…we don’t know what we don’t know…and…there are many others attempting to sound the alarm.
- Why are Christian churches joining/subscribing to this “Gloo” network founded by Scott Beck, who appears to first be a businessman? (see image below from this link)
- Is this a biblical model, and what are the dangers of partnering with worldly means/agendas/unifying, global methods?
- Why are they providing pre-created sermons to those in the association?
- Why are they ad campaigning football games with “‘He Gets Us’ messaging” that aligns with WOKE agenda and inclusivity, rather than than biblical messaging? Who is paying for this…and WHY?
The above podcast I bookmarked last week to re-listen and attempt to pique the interest of readers here to give it a listen. But it remains…so much. I tried to begin with the outline notes found in the YouTube’s written description, and I downloaded their visual references linked to document.
But…how to fit it all in.
Then, I tried to start listening, and creating an outline. I get as far as listing the three companies controlling the “He Gets Us” campaign, then I try to put relevant links about these companies. I can’t get past GLOO…and I don’t know if Lairma is even spelled right.
For those who would prefer to read more than listen to audio, maybe this article I Don’t Get the “He Gets Us” Campaign will help you get an overview of WHY you should listen to the above “Full Investigation” with its nitty-gritty detail. The above video is a work of Enemies Within the Church. And the article is written by a PCA Pastor. Is anyone listening? Yet???
This is the full 6 part video on our investigation into “He Gets Us.” Each part will be individually released at a later date. 00:00 Introduction
- “He Gets Us” is an advertising campaign (and more) Sponsored by Three Companies
- Started by group called The Signatry (aka The Servant Foundation – donor advised fund)
- Run by Three Companies
- 1. Haven
- 2. Gloo
- “Artificial intelligence is worth thoughtful exploration from the faith community,” said Ed Stetzer, a major curator and contributor to the Hub. “It’s a tool with tremendous upside potential for the Church, and as faith leaders, we have to be prepared to use this powerful new resource for Kingdom purposes. The AI & the Church Hub is a front door for all leaders to find the knowledge and tools to navigate the evolving AI landscape well.” – Gloo Releases AI & the Church Hub

- 3. Lairma
- The following are produced:
- Ads
- appeal to young and the left/GenZ
- Articles Study Guides
- Books
- Video Resources
- Apparel
- Full-on sermons
- Fully scripted with graphics
- Made by Billy Graham Center Wheaton College
- Ads
“Pat Gelsinger is the CEO of Intel Corporation and serves on its board of directors. He is also the chairman of the board at Gloo, a personal growth platform …” – Source
I have not yet listened to the next video, but noticed it. The founder Scott Beck and Pat Gelsinger discuss their ideas about the “Future of the Church.” What do you think they will be saying?
Question: Is your Pastor part of any “networks” and “leadership conferences” and associations? If so, do you and your fellow parishioners clearly know what these associates are believing and advocating for?

9:01 Part 1: Companies behind He Gets Us & He Gets Us Partners
44:05 Part 2: How Does He Gets Us Describe the Campaign?
52:58 Part 3: Freeing Jesus From His Church
1:09:50 Part 4: Was Jesus God
1:32:31 Part 5: Does it Matter What I Believe About Jesus
1:56:22 Part 6: Jesus, Social Justice Warrior We know many people have seen the “Jesus ads” and have questions about them, and so did we. We went the source to see what He Gets Us says about themselves, and what they teach. We hope you enjoy the fruits of our research. If this resource was helpful, please share it so that others can know the truth behind the He Gets Us campaign.
All research material can be found here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folder…
Visit Wokepedia at: https://wokepedia.enemieswithinthechu…
For further reading:
I Don’t Get the “He Gets Us” Campaign
Cru Sticks to Good News with Gloo
Who is this Scott Beck that is CEO of Gloo? How does he think? Here is a video I plan to listen to, for information but especially…patterns…it is the patterns we need to recognize…not limited to one singular trending Church ideologue introducing WOKE agenda into the local Christian community…
Thank You For Reading
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