May 12, 2024


Death Was All Around Us

-written 3/9/24 to 5/10/24 Coming up with titles for blog pieces is a significant part of my writing process. Especially when my thoughts run deeper on an expression, I feel the title needs to somehow encapsulate the essence of my thoughts. Tonight, I’ve been listening to Band of Brothers episodes for the first time in a long while, while doing some other work and musing in the back of my mind on this piece. In one of the interspersed interviews...

Unfinished…and Eternity

I continue to gradually dig through and sort through old photos and other things I’ve kept over the years– re-organizing, discarding or gifting certain items. I think that as we age, it is good to gradually do this to make sure that one day the stuff which might be of some value to those left behind would be more apparent. The above image has a finished sea shell, unfinished wildflowers, and an unfinished painting of Asters that I have recently...