Awhile back I was in a conversation with someone who told me that she was a “death doula.” I was taken aback, and immediately wondered what that meant. This young woman had already mentioned being engaged with several pursuits that cued me in to suspecting she was involved in occultic/witchcraft practices that were nature-based. And, I knew what a “doula” was but found it jarring to pair the word with “death.”
So, I asked her, “What is a ‘death doula?'”
I then received a kind of nebulous answer, to which I replied, “Oh, so it is similar to being a hospice worker?”
I then was told, “Well a little bit, but not exactly.”
Keep in mind, this young woman offered these services on a private, individual basis. As far as I knew, she was not employed by some formal “Death Doula” agency, nor was she employed by Hospice. Nor was she a psychologist or trained counselor. She appeared to be simply “offering her services” to help people “die well.”
After this spiritually striking conversation, I went home and Googled “Death Doula.”

AI Overview:
A death doula, also known as an end-of-life doula or death midwife, is a non-medical professional who helps people who are dying and their loved ones through the dying process:
Death doulas provide emotional, spiritual, and physical support, as well as practical assistance.
Death doulas can spend time with the dying person and their family, listening to their life stories, and helping them make plans.
Death doulas can help coordinate family caregiving, plan funerals and memorial services, and guide mourners through their rights and responsibilities.
Death doulas can educate the public about the availability of their services and help families understand palliative care concepts.
Death doulas can provide respite to caregivers by taking on practical tasks like dog walking or shopping.
Bereavement support
Death doulas can provide education and resources to loved ones who are grieving.
Death doulas work alongside hospice and palliative care, which focus on pain and symptom management. Death doulas can help people achieve a better death by allowing them to live the time they have left with purpose and companionship.
The word “doula” comes from a Greek word meaning “a woman of service”. However, people of any gender can become a death doula.

I’ve sometimes been accused of overthinking something or thinking I see some linkage when there is none. At this, I’m going to keep making some bold statements here, and ignore any voices in my head of previous “naysayers.”
In that conversation with this young woman, she had already suggested that sage be put all around the house we were at because of discussion over a rather superstitious belief about something that had transpired on the property that day, and she suggested using it to cleanse any “spirits” that may have been aroused. She also told me that to earn money, she mixed up various herbal medicinals and sold them.
On the surface, perhaps I might be making mountains out of molehills.
But before anyone reading forms an opinion, I want to add this information: I am a devoted, biblical Christian and follower of Jesus and am familiar with the holy scriptures given us. This young woman–while I don’t want to pass any ultimate judgements–gave me no evidence or cues that she was a Christ-follower. So when she speaks of engaging with the spirit realm, she is not speaking of Christian or Holy Spirit guided beliefs and practices.
In fact, in my discernment gut, I was feeling uneasy.
On the surface, this young woman was very likeable and friendly, and overall in that social context, there seemed to be good conversation and connection going on. As a Spirit-filled believer, I notice that while I may take in a lot of information and discernments through many means–both natural knowledge and observations, and possibly supernatural knowledge and observations–I seem to have a broad enough knowledge-base and adaptable persona to engage with a variety of people in a variety of contexts without immediately becoming off-putting.
Meaning, I can dialogue, listen and ask questions and often in those situations, not voice my thoughts about things. And maybe to a degree even find some kind of common ground to connect with the other person.
And this was no different.
I simply “brain-filed” the experience and information put before me for the first time, and purposed that later on I needed to research this curious term of “Death Doula.”
I was well-acquainted with the term doula and that practice, as I had pre-requested a woman friend to serve in that role during the birth of my second son, for various reasons. She was a strengthening presence to me, even though my first husband was present as well, and there was also, at first a midwife, and then later, when I was transported to the emergency room, a medical staff and nurses who made sure my son came in to this world safely, and that I too, remained safe.
Before I write further thoughts on the topic of “death doulas” and how they might be a metaphor for something I’ve been noticing in church contexts, I want to assemble the texts from the various words I’ve highlighted above in red that appeared when I Googled “death doulas occultism.“
And then, you be the judge whether I’m making warranted linkages of this so-called “new profession” to both witchcraft and the occult, which ultimately is connected to our adversary, the devil, whose one goal is to steal, kill and destroy the people of God and those that might otherwise come to faith in Jesus Christ.
Compiled highlights of my Google search:
“This course teaches you how to work with the energetic dynamics of dying, death, and dead people…..Death Doula Oracle Cards utilize the art of astrology, spiritual alchemy, and depth psychology to help it’s reader achieve mystical……Being a Death Midwife is intimately tied to being a witch, and is really just an extension of the shamanic aspect that is so prevalent in witchcraft……Death Doulas walk with the person as they discover the unseen worlds……The Death Doula Oracle deck is meant to aid its reader in their own death and rebirth process (that is ever unfolding and repeating) through engaging the subconscious, captivating the imagination and facilitating spiritual/mystical experiences at the readers own pace…..Midwifery has always been closely linked to witchcraft, but death midwives are….Erase thoughts of witchcraft and tribal death masks, Death Doulas are very much a modern day support on approaching death. As today’s Baby-Boomers enter their….I’ve come to understand this mystical phenomenon as a gift, a blessing and a means…..Death doulas offer non-judgmental support and guidance.….Conducting rituals or comforting practices…..The role of death doulas can be traced back to the slave trade, when enslaved people celebrated death as a “homegoing” for spirits. Some say that death doulas can work with a client’s personal spiritual affiliations, such as deities or traditions. For example, a death doula might: Lead visualizations or guided meditations, Connect with the client’s ancestors or deities, Continue to talk with the client after their death….Some other names for death doulas include: End-of-life doula, Dying guide, Death coach, Death-walker, Mourning doula, Death care or end of life specialist, Community death care advocate, Death midwife, Soul midwife, Transition doula….
After my above compilation, I’m sensing we need a good dose of three scriptures before any further analysis:
“Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants.” – Psalm 116:15
“And no wonder, since Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” –II Corinthians 11:14
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” –John 10:10
As we begin to unpack-unravel-analyze the above conglomeration of preliminary statements about the purpose and practices of a “death doula” as initial Google information, I think we need to consider what we always must consider first when dealing with satanic deception of any sort.
And that is, that the devil appears as light.
The devil never knocks on our doors and announces himself as such. (Knock knock…”Hi, I’m satan and I’m here to steal, kill and destroy all that you own and all you hold dear, and then, ask you to embrace death as though it were your own idea. And not only embrace its horrifying grip and destruction, but to actually learn to LOVE the very idea of death.”)
So how does the devil do this thing that he does so well?
By mixing in amounts of truths as bait.
The truth is that death most certainly is a kind of mystical (in the sense of spiritual and supernatural) and unknown (in some aspects) experience. Scripture tells us in so many places what we can expect upon our own death, and is filled with deathbed stories where patriarchs pronounce blessings and curses. Though we are told many things about death and even the death process throughout scripture, as humans it is natural and normal to have a variety of thoughts, emotions, fears and questions about the impending unknown which we are all guaranteed to one day face and experience—whether as the subject of an instant vehicle fatality or as the subject of a lengthy, painful illness, old age and decline.
In the course of normal human history, there have always been humans that surround and support the dying, and the bereaved. Family, friends, professionals…even strangers…will likely find themselves at some point caught up in the human drama of death.
Books such as On Death and Dying by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, as well as numerous other means of understanding and support–and even practical planning and assistance–abound, and are necessary.
In the Roman Catholic, Episcopal/Anglican and Lutheran Churches, there is a formal ritual/sacrament called “Last Rites” and in a sense, one embraces the inevitability of ones’ impending death in the most graceful, needy way, turning their full faith and trust and attention toward the Lord Jesus Christ and life everlasting, and receiving communion upon their deathbed.
I am not currently of any of the above traditions, but I mention this as being “normal and acceptable” and within the bounds of biblical Christianity. For Protestants and Catholics, there are a plethora of practices, customs and spiritual support that has always existed and is carried out by both clergy and lay people in formal Church context.
And then, there are simply the organic, down-to-earth biblical Christian exchanges that occur between family members, friends and Christian community that surround the death of a human being. Funerals and memorial services and other forms of observing and honoring both a person’s life and death surely abound.
I have been with my mother in her last days and hours, and a few others who were also nearing/quite close to their death. I have spoken with others who have done the same. The truth is that there is a kind of need to sit with and somewhat assist the dying person, through providing many forms of comfort that can resemble assisting a woman who is suffering and giving birth.
There are a number of parallels we might observe as a human being is born into eternity–eternal life (or eternal death)–upon their earthly, physical death. It truly is a sacred time, and there is a kind of awe and wonder about the process as well as it being a deeply emotional, connecting time for many.
But, to refer to a clergy person, or a daughter that sits beside the woman from whose womb she came–as this woman draws her final breaths–to be referred to as a “death doula,” would seem very odd.
I’m sure there are many grieving persons that have also sat beside the dead body of a loved one and spoke aloud to the person’s dead body. I did that when I was barely sixteen, in front of my father’s casket.
Most Christians (and others) who might do this know that the person’s soul has left the body and can no longer hear them. Scripture tells us in the parable of Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom (Luke 16:22-26) that a great gulf exists between the realm of the dead and the living.
When a grieving Christian needs to do a very human thing of speaking aloud or even visiting a grave and wondering/imagining if their loved one knows they are there–or speaking something year after year at this grave–I view this as a very understandable and human experience. I don’t believe they are literally attempting to contact the dead through such gestures, as that is strictly prohibited.
The above litany of initial descriptions of what it means to be a “death doula” mentions a number of New Age/New Thought/Occult practices and buzzword terms, but I want to focus in for a moment here on “This course teaches you how to work with the energetic dynamics of dying, death, and dead people.”
The statement comes from the Google preview/overview of this article/website. And when we click to that site, it permeates with occultism from the get-go. One of the first statements we read is: “Stabilize your energies and emotions so you can hold space for death and loss. Connect and collaborate with the healing forces in the field.”
Without doing a total deep dive analysis of this website–from anything in the visual imagery of a shell spiral (in the specific context of occult beliefs) to taking note that this person (who might be labeled as “a medium”) is first and foremost “selling” what appears to be a course in these “dark arts.”
In the Book of Acts, we get a clear insight of several things in the story of the slave-girl-sorceress who kept following Paul and Silas around shouting a truth: “These men are servants of the most high God.”
“Once when we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a female slave who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She earned a great deal of money for her owners by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and the rest of us, shouting, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who are telling you the way to be saved.” She kept this up for many days. Finally Paul became so annoyed that he turned around and said to the spirit, “In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her!” At that moment the spirit left her. When her owners realized that their hope of making money was gone, they seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to face the authorities.“
–Acts 16:16-19
That story has always seemed interesting, because this “fortune-teller” (a form of sorcery) was not proclaiming something that seemed evil. In fact, she was following Paul, Silas and other believers around shouting the truth–that these men were servants of the Most High God. There was something about it that annoyed the apostle Paul so greatly and aroused a discerning of spirits, that he eventually turned around and performed an exorcism of a demonic spirit from the girl, and the spirit left her.
The other interesting thing to note is that money was involved in this demonic performance and enterprise.
Again, there can be a fine line between rightfully charging (or being otherwise paid for one’s spiritual services such as those on staff in full-time ministry) for various spiritually-related goods and services (example, an artist is paid to do artwork with scripture for someone’s wall…or a seminary charges to teach and train others for various Christian ministry) and what those who engage in occult practices seek.
Through the occult, satan seeks not only to spiritually harm and deceive us, but he gleans money and profits from such activities, which we can be assured in some sense are poured back into the realm of darkness. For a moment, I think how sad it is for many unsuspecting people–whether Christ-followers or not–who somehow have become financially dependent on various enterprises or professions that in some sense sell or profit from occultism.
How about the young mom trying to feed her children who answers an ad for sales help in a “Crystals” store?
How about the person who is taken under someone’s wing and emotionally/psychologically nurtured by someone who is indoctrinating them into forms of personal dependence upon the occult? Likely, this person is very fragile in some way and are trying to fill that God-shaped hole in us that cries out for authentic spiritual relationship with the One True God. The occult practitioner looks for converts just as much as the disciple of Christ seeks to share good news. This kind of deceptive person may even call themself some type of “Life Coach” or…”Death Coach.” (ie..”Death Doula”)
Today, it is very popular for so-called “Life Coaches” to lead others down paths involving “manifesting” and other ungodly practices that are not coming from the Holy Spirit but from doctrines of demons.
John 17:3
“And this is life eternal: that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent”.
Notice also in the statement on that website which, once again, says, (“Stabilize your energies and emotions so you can hold space for death and loss. Connect and collaborate with the healing forces in the field.”), that the use of the popular phrase “hold space” is also utilized. Awhile back I wrote a blog piece entitled, “The “Religious Doctrine” of ‘Holding Space’.”
In my blog piece Book Review: “Reckoning With Power” by David Fitch I take notice that he uses the word “space” in this work 115 times. This writer, whom I personally believe is introducing Marxist-based ideology into Church thought, uses the word in such phrases as the following (which are essentially variations on “holding space” for something or someone…which potentially might, in some contexts, even be regarded as something akin to “opening up some portal.” I know it’s a stretch, but file that idea away and consider it):
- making space for
- the space between
- enters these spaces
- noncoercive relational space
- opens up space
- cultural space
- homogenous spaces of hegemonic worldly power
That last phrase of “homogenous spaces of hegemonic worldly power” is quite a mouthful of jargon which should rightfully prompt the question by any Christian reading that book, “What does this mean?”
These days, there are quite a lot of things we Christians should sober up around and rightfully ask, “What does this mean?”
Just as we should be asking, “What does being a ‘death doula’ mean?,” we Christians should also be asking things such as, “Why do some members of Bethel Church practice grave soaking or use ‘Christian’ tarot cards?“ And especially, “If Bethel Church and other big ministries are actively engaging in occultic practices but labeling them as ‘of God’ when they are ‘of satan,’ then why are so many other generally theologically sound congregations sometimes welcoming in the singing of Bethel music, which also welcomes in off base theology and ideation into the hearts, minds and souls of members, as well as generates royalty income for such heretical ministries?”

At the end of this piece, I am going to list a lot of resources for interested readers to explore and learn why I may be saying and writing the things I am expressing in this piece. I have also encountered enough people swallowed up by New Age/New Thought/Marxist ideologies to know that there seems to be a phenomenon of indoctrinating others to “embrace death.”
There’s a very interesting talk called Easter in the Woke Cult which expounds upon the idea that embedded in Hegelian/Marxist theology (yes, it is ultimately an occultish religion as it presents esoteric knowledge, alchemy and the pathway to answer questions about the purpose of man) is the Christian concept of death and rebirth.
Again, satan comes disguised in some truths and as an “angel of light.” The enemy of the One True God twists and manipulates these truths for dark purposes. Cycles of death and rebirth are embedded into creation by our Creator (the One True God–not the false gods) and of course the central message of the gospel of Jesus Christ is death and rebirth.
So it should not surprise us that those who are turning away to other so-called gods capitalize on truths to be found in the natural world, and even actual medicinal healings in the plants our God has given to mankind for our well-being. They do so, however, in a way that goes beyond the bounds of the spiritually clean, and enmeshes such things within other realms of dark thought, demonic theology and mystical practices.
Finally here, I want to bring something full circle and get to the reason for my title:
Missional “Death Doulas” Strolling into the Doors of Our Churches
Imagine you are a strong, healthy person, and some young woman knocks on your door and you invite her inside. She tells you that she is a “death doula” and she can “help you embrace your death and help you to ‘die well.'”
If you are not only strong and healthy, but you are rational and discerning, you would probably say, “I have no idea what that means…I’m not interested nor willing to embrace my premature death and die…so…go away from here and ‘good riddance.'”
Now, let’s imagine you are someone who has been physically, emotionally or spiritually weakened. You are in fact, very ill. You have been ingesting toxic food and reading depressive, ungodly ideas. You have been regularly inviting people into your home that have all sorts of contagious spiritual diseases. You have stopped bathing and washing your hands after you handle contaminated items, and then you prepare food for yourself and your guests to eat. You and your household continue to decline and there is now an obvious condition involving the sights, sounds, feel, touch and taste of death permeating from your home in thousands of little ways. The doorbell rings and the same young woman stands at your door and you invite her inside. She tells you that she is a “death doula” and she says she can “help you embrace your death” and assures you that spiritual “good” will be born from the process.
Hopefully I easily illustrate my point in the above two situations.
I believe that even as I speak and write, and as you read this, that satan has been infiltrating our churches for a long time with many unbiblical beliefs and practices and ideologies aimed to weaken and sicken God’s Church. As Jesus-followers begin to put their trust in such things and don’t do their homework (as I did, for example, when someone told me they were a “death doula”), then the natural course of things will be for the body of Christ to become weakened, sick and “immuno-compromised.”
In the illustration above, the strong, healthy person has built-in immunities–antibodies, so-to-speak–that are triggered when this “spiritual death doula” knocks upon their door. But the house where sickly, weakened, gullible, lazy and aimless people–those always drinking (contaminated) spiritual milk rather than feasting on the meat of God’s word and His ways—these people seem ripe for the harvest.
God’s people also become vulnerable when they don’t make themselves aware of creeping and lurking dangers. Scripture doesn’t tell us to bury our heads in the sand, or to turn away from anything that might disturb our peace or make us anxious, but rather, to “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings.” — I Peter 5:8-9
This seems like a good place to continue raising awareness about current events, the occult connections, and how we must do our homework as Christians so that we aren’t confused how to “think” about things, how to “respond” to things, and how to “innoculate” ourselves, our family and our church community from such infiltration of darkness.
When satan tries to come as an angel of light, urging Christians to do such things (in the name of so-called “love”) such as literally bow down to some demon and “confess” some “name” that is of a demonic “death doula” process, know how to respond.
These days, there is a term among the LBGTQ+ community called the “deadname.”
Make no mistake about it–the confessional call of satan that others (especially parents) should not speak the “deadname” of the person he has in his chains and “death doula” process–serves a purpose. When satan persuades someone that their entire former identity–represented by their given name–is dead, he means business.
Just ask any suffering parent who is in bondage to never again speaking the name of their child, then perhaps you will gain even more discernment. In terms of Christians needing to do their homework and become more informed, as I mentioned above, I want to reinforce my understanding above of the occult and demonic nature of the idea of a “deadname.”
The following video is quite intense, and I ask Christians reading to take a moment to pray first and prepare themselves. And then, I want you to view this video through the lens of any “death” imagery you see visually (such as an animal skull which is a cue to the occult in this context) or especially mid-way through there is a young man in a dress with large amounts of blood running through his hands. He sings that he “the boy I used to be I killed him…with my own two hands…kept the body he left behind…”
This is a clear glimpse into what satanic hate and death look like, and it seems to me these lyrics are directed at parents, for the most part. To the deceived, tormented and captive, they see “light” even as their lives are being completely destroyed, but to we who follow Jesus and scripture and understand the difference between life and death, this video should leave no doubt in our minds what this whole movement is about.
I want to yet present another analogy, getting back to the analogy of a “death doula” showing up at one’s door.
What about the healthy home/church that is somehow deceived into allowing false teachers (harbingers of death or those with the mission to destroy foundational gospel theology and practice…“Church death doulas” of sorts) to come through their doors.
In the above description of the “death doula” I also note that “Baby Boomers” are mentioned. So…here we have it, perhaps. The younger generations who have been increasingly rejecting the values of the Christian faith, family and many other healthy things for society, and in many cases, actively tearing such things down (in Marxism it is called “doing the work”)…it is sounding to me like their newly-named profession of “death doula” or “death coach” fits right in there.
Read the following with sarcasm:
- Let’s target those awful “Baby Boomers”–and especially the aging, declining churches full of them–and let’s instruct them how to “hurry up and die already,” so-to-speak.
- Let’s target them and show them how hypocritical and “in the past” they are, and how if they’d only be more (fill in the blank) they wouldn’t need “to die.”
- Let’s infiltrate slowly and slyly…and indoctrinate, gaslight and “do the work” (the work of social justice and Marxist activism…anything that neuters the Church and persuades her to surrender godly power and the holy scriptures) needed to lead them into a place of such actual, dire, ill-health and decline where the death of their church congregation may in fact be inevitable. For some of these congregations, it may in fact be too late. The death knell is now tolling, and they are being led by wolves like sheep to their slaughter. They are being persuaded the best choice before them is now some form of “church euthenasia.”
- Yes, let’s just “put them out of their misery” now. But, let’s do it in a way they can feel good about it.
Like learning of “death doulas”, I’ve even learned of whole ministries that are paid to go into such congregations and assist a congregation to discern whether it is now their time to “die.” And if that seems to be the consensus, to assist them in “dying well,” so-to-speak.
If I had more time, I would research some of these para-church organizations and see who might be indirectly funding them, and what potential Marxist-leaning version of Christian doctrines their staff may have embraced, that might lead them into offering these seemingly-gracious services to our Christian churches.
Maybe in this I am seeing connections where none exist, however, I’ve noticed too many things in the Church realm over recent years to be as trusting as I might once have been. Anyone who has witnessed the slow decline of a once vibrant congregation–especially if there was any evidences of infiltrating, divisive, diverting of focus/energies to infiltrating progressive activism–might wonder the same thing.
I imagine such organizations already have formed their scripted process which involves values clarification, commemorative rituals, saying “goodbye” to the past times of vibrant church life, accepting that every local church “runs its course” and then must gracefully concede to death (this is not to be seen in scripture, to my knowledge), and will suggest how remaining church assets might be liquidated and then “reborn” into some other ministry purpose.
If it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.
First of all, we should ask ourselves why we now need whole ministries dedicated to this kind of “work” and why something like this–if in fact needed–would be outsourced? Is this practice to be found anywhere in scripture? Or, is this simply some new industry springing up around “assisting” our churches to succumb to their “death”–congregations who may have allowed false teachings into their doors, or, through no real fault of their own, have suffered increasingly and particularly in this New Global Age?
Is what we are seeing (and oh how the progressive ministers like to use these statistics about the “decline” of Christianity, congregations and otherwise to steer the fearful into “new territories” that may depart from scripture) simply the natural life cycle of “most churches?”
I’m not buying into that premise. Clearly there are numerous historical churches which have remained vibrant even over hundreds of years, until…until…the unfolding of trends in the past 20 to possibly 50 years. That’s another specific conversation in detail, but the concept remains that biblically, God’s Church is living and organic.
I believe we are now seeing a kind of spiritual disablement and deconstruction of congregations, bringing them slowly down to where the enemy can “finish them off,” in some cases. Just like with any cancer or serious illness, if we do not catch and address potential death-spirals in a church congregation–if we shrink back for too long in any needed action or confrontation when there is discernments of things which are spiritually off base–the outcome may become beyond any human repair.
And while God can do anything, perhaps in some cases, congregations sadly are left to experiences the consequences of any non-proactivity. But to be fair and gracious, the sad reality is that as in many things, we find ourselves or our congregations in a “slow, insidious boil…” as in the analogy of boiling a frog in water…it starts out cold and the temp is so slowly raised that when the frog realizes (or never realizes) what has happened it is too late to jump out of the pot…
While a local congregation sometimes through natural happenings ends up closing its particular doors, I don’t believe that what we are witnessing is in the same category. As I ponder the concept of a congregation seeking, essentially, a “church death doula” I immediately think of the following scripture:
Revelation 3:2-4 “Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God. Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent.”
It would be fascinating to explore potential secular/religious funding sources dribbling into such ministries from somewhere upstream. At some point, the Church needs to wake up to these realities. Megan Basham exposed a lot in her book, “Shepherds For Sale.”
In the book Live Not By Lies, I learned how the Russian Orthodox Church became infiltrated with communist connections, so that the state could control the Church there and the neutered version of Christianity would not threaten the new order.
I have not read these articles, but a quick Google search brings up some that likely talk about this history in a documented manner.
1. At the Kremlin in 1943: Stalin presented Orthodox leaders with a proposal: the Soviet state that had destroyed their Church would bring it back
2. Clerical collaboration with communist secret services
3. The KGB Files: Inside the Church
And I must ask the question.
What will your congregation do when the Grim Reaper potentially shows up at the front door, dressed as an angel of light and “life”? Or, what will happen when such people become familiar to us–walking in and out of the church’s back doors, up and down the aisles, sitting in our pews and passing out communion, teaching new-sounding and gobbledygook-filled messages aimed to “challenge us as Jesus followers”?
John the Baptist came to “prepare the way” for the Lord.
Are there people in your congregation now who are on some demonic mission (whether intentional or not) who may be like those we were warned about in the book of Jude? Are they present because the enemy is using them (with or without their knowledge) to pave and prepare the way for the “New Age” and “New Thought” and unholy globalization, degradation of God’s Church?
“Where the corpse is, the vultures will gather,” said Jesus.
Footnotes and Other Resources:
Grave soaking. Christian necromancy among the disciples of the New Apostolic Reformation
The ‘Christian’ Tarot card controversy at Bethel Redding
This is an excellent, informative analysis of occult practices at Bethel Church in Redding, CA:
This is also excellent and informative, especially to distinguish “New Age” from “New Thought.” Both have similarities and links to the “Occult.”
I’ve listened to interviews with this young woman from several sources; she has an incredible testimony and much to listen to in order to increase our discernments, as Christians:
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