Reflections on the York Art Association Reception

January 27, 2025

Reflections on the York Art Association Reception:

Always keep people guessing! Ha ha…I decided the best attire for me to wear today was my cool “camo-duck-hunting-ish” dress with a feminine white sweater I picked up awhile back somewhere…it’s the kind of soft, fine knit fabric that the sweaters of the 1960’s were made that we girls wore to school. But this sweater has some extra girl touches of ruffles. Perfect style of the spirit of “contradictions” that artists should be…and it seemed fitting to go along with my “Wild Geese” piece by Mary Oliver. I’m disappointed with my hair today…the winter and static is horrible on it, and having to use a hair dryer this morning rather than let it dry naturally makes it worse. Oh well…I look like I’ve been out in the wild or something…

I feel a little silly…last week I mentioned I got a message that I would be receiving an “award” at the reception and mentioned reading there was 1st, 2nd, 3rd “judged” place with prizes between $150-$250.

It was a “pick me up” I suppose and I was a little surprised. I haven’t chomped at the bit to participate in “art leagues” of any sort for quite awhile–I suppose as a “working artist” I’m a bit jaded. I have never found the endeavor and networking (like with Newark Arts Alliance) to translate to significant sales or commissions. Maybe it’s just me, and what I do.

I feel silly, because I was counting my chickens before they hatched. Imagine that! I was actually wondering, depending on the award, which bill I might pay and thinking maybe I might even pay to “become a member.”

When I got there at the start of the event, I walked around studying each of the 38 entries, and in my mind I selected which three pieces I might guess were one of the three “awards.” I was correct on the first place winner. I liked the piece quite a lot–it was innovative, unique and well executed.

I’ve seen a lot of art in my time on this earth and it can be interesting to switch hunting stands and view it from other vantage points. At one point, I played a game I’ve played before in my head at such displays. As I move to the next piece I do my “one second” visual assessment: YES or NO.

Does it grab me or not? I’d say 9 times out of 10 the “NO” works even after careful study remain a “no” in my mind…in terms of whether in some universe I’d put it on my wall (if I had endless walls). Sometimes, I do find that my first impressions of something can be mis-judgements, and the closer I study something the more I appreciate about it. Or vice versa. (and this transcends the style/genre…somewhat).

In these photos are two pieces that I had a very positive response to (not winners)–one piece was from a separate artist’s display of palette knife plein air work. It is the tree with the purple background. I had a lovely conversation with this older woman artist, and when I mentioned liking that piece in particular, and she told me the backstory on the piece. Artists always have a backstory, and I had come prepared to tell the backstory of how/why I created “Wild Geese” in 2022.

There is another piece I felt was quite striking color wise, and had some very subtle qualities of edges/transitions/juxtapositions in the horizon purples in the piece…the man who created it is seen pointing to part talking with someone.

I noticed various people looking at my piece and studying it.

As it turned out, when the awards were announced they explained there were also going to be a couple of honorable mentions. I was the first “honorable mention” and the man from HACC that had been the judge had commented that my piece was “on theme” and integrated the poetry and art quite well. I believe another person’s work was described also as particularly “on theme.”

I did notice that my piece was actually the only calligraphic work, and there were only a few other pieces (as I recall) that contained any type of words/lettering at all. One was a 3D pile of shredded words which was very interesting, and color added/paint, etc. The other piece won 2nd prize and had really faintly etched words in the background behind all the hand views with diamonds.

I noticed there were about 4 other pieces that had a “Mary Oliver” poem (not Wild Geese) hung next to them. I also noticed that about 5-6 or so pieces were “biblically” themed poetry related.

But I was confused/surprised as I went around that my interpretation of the “Poetic Creations” call for entries was so different from what I saw. The only reason I chose to enter the piece (and I had another piece I would have entered by Henry Van Dyke but it was too long at 72 inches wide) is because merging art with lettering/poetry has been something I’ve done for years.

“DESCRIPTION: This exhibition is all about artists exploring how one can merge a poetic verse and a work of visual art. Good poetry contains language that evokes a visual scene in your mind as you read it. If you’re not a fan of poetry, use this as an opportunity to acquaint yourself with this form of artistic literature and perhaps expose another source of inspiration for your creativity. Song lyrics, Biblical Psalms, classic poetry, or your OWN written poem are potential sources.

Not sure where to begin your search for poetry? Try an online search for: Haiku, Sonnet, Odes, Limerick, Hafiz, Maya Angelou, Robert Frost, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickenson, Elizabeth Browning, Old Testament Psalms.”


What I noticed was that people “married” a poem to a piece of artwork…many were nature based. There were many lovely pieces, and just as mine was not specifically created for this display, I got the sense that many of the artists also found something from their works that might “go with” or evoke from a poem…which was placed next to the piece. Some artists also wrote their own poems, which was also quite nice!

I was kind of tired today, so unfortunately I couldn’t fully take in each poem as much as each would have warranted deeper study…to relate it to the artwork.

After the honorable mention awards and the three monetary awards were given, I was able to go around and take some photos…and someone took my picture. There was a young couple studying my piece as people continued to look, after the announcements, and since I was close by the woman asked me if I had a backstory of what inspired the piece and the way it was done.

I felt encouraged that someone asked, and I shared the basis of what prompted me to create this piece, and some of my process. I mentioned that I was a calligrapher and she said, “I can see.”

I suppose I shouldn’t feel silly for my interpretation of the vague message left me that I would be receiving an award, when it was only an honorable mention! It’s easy for our mind and emotions to interpret things as a bit of a “joke is on us” at times when we are struggling, and I’ve been feeling generally “devalued” lately in a number of ways–whether real or imagined. And that’s complicated, and goes beyond my art and just trying to keep paying bills!

Artists tend to think and overthink many things. We are intense people. In fact, after my first divorce I dared go on “Eharmony” and answer a personality questionaire! I figured honesty is best! I remember writing something about being an artist…and a very intense person.

Now, that’s subject to interpretation…just like art.

It was funny…I was never matched with anyone except a “pilot” that lived in Wilmington. I reached out but they never responded back. Ha ha ha ha…I was thinking, “Gee. Eharmony thinks I must be so intense that I’d do best with someone who was flying planes quite often and didn’t have to be around me, lol…”

Sometimes I wonder if at some point God has someone out there for whom I’d be just right for. It’s a tall tall order at this point. My expectations are now QUITE HIGH.

Part of me mused…what if…what if…I show up wearing a camo dress with a very feminine sweater…and there’s some super smart artsy guy who loves to hunt and the outdoors and is handy and also is Christian–not just in name but deeply, deeply theological and devoted to Jesus—AND they are artistic…they write and love music, they are high energy and intense too but not in conflict with my intensity…they leap over tall buildings with a single bound and aren’t afraid to pet a cat…they not only appreciate poetry they WRITE it…in between shooting 20-point deer between the eyes…they can dismantle a Windows computer if need be and they are a fantastic cook…and…and…they’ve been known to even WALK ON WATER!!!


My former 89 year old neighbor in Alabama–dear Hellen–is so full of stories. I love hearing and never tire of the story of how she met her 2nd husband–the love of her life. She was a young single mom and having a rough time. He worked for the gas company and showed up wanting to come inside and look at the meter. She refused to let him in, for fear he’d turn off her utility. She was really feisty with him…next day she got back from work and he was on her porch, playing with her two young children and had brought her groceries. They later married. I was with him the night before he died…and Hellen cared for him so very well…the love of her life! She told me that he said as soon as she “went off on him” and got so upset, he said to himself, “I’m going to marry that lady!” Ha ha. Listen to widows when they tell their stories…it’s important. I love the story about how he would do “anything” for her. Once, she asked him to hang wallpaper, including on the ceiling! He did it, but afterward said, “I love you…I’ll do anything for you…but don’t ever ask me to do that again!”😃


Why did I do the “Wild Geese?”

I’ve always found that poem inspiring. Sometimes divorced people will connect and talk…if even for a time. It’s part of their healing journey, I suppose. People also identify sometimes as being “like” a type of animal. I could see myself as a “Wild Goose” I suppose…and some people stay very close to the ground. Like possums or rabbits or squirrels…they inhabit a different world.

The best line of this poem, for me, is:

“Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.”

Wild Geese | Mary Oliver

You do not have to be good.

You do not have to walk on your knees

for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.

You only have to let the soft animal of your body

love what it loves.

Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.

Meanwhile the world goes on.

Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain

are moving across the landscapes,

over the prairies and the deep trees,

the mountains and the rivers.

Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,

are heading home again.

Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,

the world offers itself to your imagination,

calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting–

over and over announcing your place

in the family of things.


I am also quite drawn to the ending of the poem by Mary Oliver. I feel like 3 years ago, or five years ago…I felt more that way. “The world offers itself to your imagination…”

I’ve always been adventurous and not afraid to work hard…to try new things and to fail and to try again…

But I must confess these days I’m feeling less that way. I see and experience so many forms of discouragements and disillusionments…I suppose I’ve always embrace the world as an open place…with so much potential…and tended to believe “the best” not only about others but many things.

These days, I feel myself becoming more jaded. More of a different way…rather than that “wild goose” calling out to the imaginations of not only myself but others…believing this beautiful world and life to be both harsh and exciting…and believing in my place in the “family of things.”

“Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,

the world offers itself to your imagination,

calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting–

over and over announcing your place

in the family of things.”

(Above) Honorable Mention, “Forever Together” by Biruta Hansen. This was also one of my favorites and I considered the piece very striking, as well as the accompanying poem.

(Above) First place “New Thoughts” by Nancy Boileau. This was one of my favorites, and I had predicted it would be a winner!

(Above) “Intense Pressure” by Sara Swacina. I studied this piece quite closely for a variety of reasons. The photo does not show, but the artist had a lot of words (perhaps the poem) etched into the painted background of each canvas. Definitely worthy of award!

(Above) “Flower Hearted” by Mary Moores. A beautiful landscape of flowers, paired with a poem!

Prints and Cards of “Wild Geese” on Etsy

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