Beautiful Song and Poetry Lyrics


That’s Beautiful

Sometimes we behold something beautiful, and feel like we have to tell about it. Tonight, I’m listening to a Jewish-Bluegrass-Progressive-Indie-Folk Group (my descriptors, somewhat) I really like; their band is called Nefresh Mountain. This song is beautiful, for its musical simplicity and openness, and for its lyrics. I invite you to behold this simple, joyful, contemplative melody! Where Oh Where [Verse 1]Where oh where are the sweetest songsOf Miriam and her daughters?They were sung beside the seas and tidesSo still...

Souvenirs of Pain

I was up way too late last night, painfully engrossed in an unplanned activity which has now become number one on my list today to finish up. Like someone who opens a junk drawer searching for a couple small items and then starts putting their hands in and sifting through it all…deciding suddenly that now is the time to organize that drawer and discard clutter. They keep their eyes pealed for the end goal of what they were originally searching...

It is Right to Give Him Thanks and Praise

I was a first-time visitor at a church today that seems to be a unique blend of at least two traditions (or non-traditions) that I’ve had experience with in the past. When I connect with assembled Christians for worship, message and communion, typically for me (and like most believers) we are (or should be) listening and searching for something that personally connects us to Jesus in a deeper, meaningful way. We are looking for some substantive something. For me, it...

Bluegrass Meets Hebrew-Formed Sound!

I get a bit excited when I discover a new musical group to incorporate into my Spotify and its various playlists. Since I am not a radio listener, the mechanism for my new discoveries come by way of YouTube suggestions. While there is a tremendous amount of online-bad in having our preferences, interests and other internet explorations monitored, the usage of my algorhythm to introduce me to music I like is actually welcomed. (It should be noted that YouTube in...

Wounds Yet Visible

I grow weary of noticing those with forms of pseudo-christianese-toxic-positivity “faith” misappropriate not only scriptures but otherwise generally true statements. Generally we know what we see, but often the nature of twisting things and true gaslighting can render us unable to tersely articulate what we just witnessed. We may ask ourselves what the goal is of someone who does such things. And that is likely both clear and cloudy–both obvious and hidden. Which only exasperates the confounding of such seemingly...