Religion, Politics and Current Events


Living Dangerously

When do you pray for your own or a loved one’s physical safety? Bear with me…the real focus of this entry has a long lead-in. Do you pray for your safety each time you get behind the wheel of a car? I don’t.  But they say that driving a car is one of the most dangerous things you can do.Oh when we go on a long trip, like to Delaware, I pray for safety.   And occasionally at other times if...

That Ur Was a Real Shithole*… Right…?

On January 11, 2018, The President of the United States referred to Haiti and African nations as ‘shithole’ countries. _________________ (language and sarcasm warning) That Ur was a real shithole*…right…? And that pit-of-a-hole Joseph’s brothers put him in? That too. Really shitty place to be. Does my language and statements shock you? Good. That must mean that you are grieved and shocked over the way our President talks, right? So appalled that you cannot keep silent. Right? Now bear with me…there is not a...