The Realm of Possibilities…

Out of curiosity, on my drive back from a caricature gig in Hershey tonight I decided to take a slight detour to explore the realm of possibilities… It was getting late–nearly 11:30 pm–and the big part of me wondered if this would be some wild goose chase taking me 15 minutes out of my way for absolutely no good reason. But…in my mind…I kept contemplating the realm of possibilities… What if…could it possibly be…I pondered…as I made a right turn...

The Path of Least Resistance

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about difficulties and opposition, thwarting and wearing one down of a human in their strength to resist various courses of easy, forward movement. What does God’s Word have to tell us about following easy pathways?Off the top of my head, the following scriptures are coming to mind: I am increasingly weary and tired in a number of ways at times (in between experiencing God’s strength or His carrying of my weights for a time)...

Somewhere Between Manna and Maslow

Awhile back I was in conversation with a close friend over various things and stresses in my life and how it was making me feel. I recall at one point she indicated that my feelings were understandable because of “Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs”–she said something like, “Your basic needs are still not being consistently met.” I do remember learning Maslow’s theory in college. If I were to sum it up (as I understand it) beyond the quick visual below, it...

The Neural Pathways of Suffering

Private Ryan: Tell me about your wife and the rose bushes? The Captain: No. No, that one I save just for me. ~Saving Private Ryan teaching scene There are a number of deeply thought-provoking scenes in the film Saving Private Ryan. In one of them, the Captain and Private Ryan are together in intimate conversation which the young soldier initiates. He asks the Captain, “Are you alright sir?” And when the Captain gives him a protective lie that he’s fine,...

A Baby Lamb and Its Mama in Distress

It’s midnight here and I just had a thought-provoking experience. After driving back late from my mural work on a stretch of country roads where I was literally the only car for a good 15 minutes or so, I needed to tend to my sheep. After cleaning up inside some, I went out back and planned to go down and give them their daily treats and check on them. My phone was dead and I had no flashlight but I...

Presence, Absence and Distance

There’s a saying these days, “Fake it til you make it.” I don’t like that statement; and furthermore, I don’t agree with it. Just what is one faking? And, more importantly, “What will it mean to ‘make it?'” I got into bed around midnight, and then, I lay there looking at my phone. I rejoiced with those who rejoiced at the birth of another child and grandchild, while my hopes of seeing my own grown children/grandchildren any time soon ebb...

A Letter That Will Make the Demons Tremble

“I thank God, whom I serve, as my ancestors did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”~ I Timothy 1:3-5 I had been thinking at some point starting to write letters to my grandbabies, but had...