Reflections on the Finalization of My Second Divorce

I came home earlier today from a funeral at church for a dear lady. About the time I walked in the door I learned that my former husband had received final divorce decree via email today and had expressed his feelings on Facebook, in part perhaps to share a song with me, as part of his expression indicated. So I feel I want to express my sadness as well. Most know that my former husband and I are very different...

Grant and Cody – A Boy and His Dog

“Eileen: I want to take a minute to let you know how much I absolutely love the portrait you did for my retirement for John Gardner! You totally captured my son and dog. This lovely picture as already found a home on the wall in our dining room and every time I walk by, it warms my heart. It truly is a perfect gift. I’ve enjoyed checking out your website and have shared it with my family and friends. You...

The Chemistry of Hate

My husband is a PhD chemist; I am not. So no doubt, my explanation of this will be seriously flawed, if not uninformed of the exact terms and process. But, I don’t really care. I care about ideas, art, gardens, God, people and many other things. We can’t all care equally about everything. Sometimes there are just not enough brain cells.  Don’t misunderstand, not devaluing science…I am actually grateful that there are those who care about it and do amazing...

Living Dangerously

When do you pray for your own or a loved one’s physical safety? Bear with me…the real focus of this entry has a long lead-in. Do you pray for your safety each time you get behind the wheel of a car? I don’t.  But they say that driving a car is one of the most dangerous things you can do.Oh when we go on a long trip, like to Delaware, I pray for safety.   And occasionally at other times if...

That Ur Was a Real Shithole*… Right…?

On January 11, 2018, The President of the United States referred to Haiti and African nations as ‘shithole’ countries. _________________ (language and sarcasm warning) That Ur was a real shithole*…right…? And that pit-of-a-hole Joseph’s brothers put him in? That too. Really shitty place to be. Does my language and statements shock you? Good. That must mean that you are grieved and shocked over the way our President talks, right? So appalled that you cannot keep silent. Right? Now bear with me…there is not a...

Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future…But Not in That Order

Last night we took a drive to Santa Claus Lane, a well-known extensive Christmas light display in Red Lion, Delaware that has drawn thousands of people from far and wide each Christmas for over twenty-five years.  The display is an extravant gift to the community of time, resources and “Christmas magic” – from a Mr. Faucher – whom I once read is an electrician.  I can’t recall the exact number of hundreds of thousands, most likely millions, of lights…but I recall from...

Father and Daughter First Dance in Watercolor

“Hi Eileen: Just a brief note to thank you once again for the beautiful painting. I did want to let you know that I presented it to my daughter for her birthday and she loved it.  She immediately cried and asked how I did that.  We put it on display on an easel at her wedding right near the table of place cards when guests entered the room.  Everyone loved it.  My daughter looked gorgeous, everything went smoothly, and everyone...