

The Secret ‘O Life and Enjoying the Passage of Time

I’m not so sure that I’m enjoying the passage of time lately. There is a song by James Taylor I first heard about twenty years ago which I quite enjoyed. It had such an easy-going and visionary feel to it…and at thirty-eight years old and having not yet reached that over-the-hill pinnacle of life, I could listen to this with a somewhat contemplative-but-all-is-right-in-my-world-pretty-much feel. My oldest son was around twelve and my youngest around seven at that time. Life was...

The Art of Aloneness

The sense of being alone is far too common in this world.  Some of the most obvious reasons are the widow, the orphan, the misfits, the divorced, and yes, the unhappily married…just to name a few. I imagine the ways each person who finds themselves in alone places either regularly or from time to time are as unique as the person.  There is a quotation I’ve liked that came from James Taylor in one of his documentary interviews: ​ “To me, very...

Portrait of Dr. Buddy

 “His favorite corner in the new office.    As usual, Eileen has done an outstanding job with these paintings.”–Kemal Erkan, United Medical LLC  See More Pet Portraits __________ The joy I feel when clients communicate their feelings about my work and how gifts were received brings such meaning to all I do and strive for as an artist.   I am humbled when I think about the number of people who have personal and family keepsakes in their homes all across...