

The Blessing

In the past year or more I have gravitated toward many thoughts about blessing and cursing, and seem to listen for these elements in many Psalms, Old Testament stories and New Testament references these days. As I look about me I increasingly see a world that is slipping not only into stupidity and madness but into seemingly newly-invented forms of deep evil as well as the resurrection of age-old forms of evil practices of all sorts. I don’t know that...

Blessing, Cursing and the Irish

Anyone who knows an impressionistic bit about Irish/Celtic culture and history might readily think of various poetical Irish Blessings such as, “May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.” I was able to type the above from memory not because I necessarily...

Pear Tree Dream

I feel like writing about dreams today. Dreams…spiritual and natural dreams…and their possible interpretations. This piece may be a little risky…I imagine writing about this may open me up to join the ranks of those in a number of possible positive or negative categories. I guess I’m feeling a little risky today. So, what is new?! When I observe myself sometimes, I recognize that I take a number of (mostly calculated) risks. And of the bigger ones of my life,...

You Are Blessed on Your Way…

I’m captivated by ideas about life being a journey.  I contemplate references in writings to mothers.  I gravitate toward recognition of commonality of human thoughts and experiences with the Creator. __________ In recent readings I was reminded of a hymn, “Now Thank We All Our God.” It has been ages since I’ve thought of this one, having learned it at one point in high school choir. As I found a good version to listen again, I contemplated one of the...