

Unfinished…and Eternity

I continue to gradually dig through and sort through old photos and other things I’ve kept over the years– re-organizing, discarding or gifting certain items. I think that as we age, it is good to gradually do this to make sure that one day the stuff which might be of some value to those left behind would be more apparent. The above image has a finished sea shell, unfinished wildflowers, and an unfinished painting of Asters that I have recently...

It Wasn’t Supposed To Be There

There are always a number of ways to look at some event, especially when we are searching for meanings and reasons why. I intended to write this piece shortly after the event, which was a Saturday evening back in December. In fact, it was around 4:30 the evening of December 3. I can easily determine that date by looking back at a text with someone. I had finished up my Open Studio wreath-making party that day, and was planning to...

That’s My Life in There….

Recently I had a conversation with an elderly person who said, “That’s my life in there…” While our lives are certainly more than what we interact with in the material realm, there is a huge truth I think we should pause and listen to, in these words… I imagine these thoughts are not uncommon as people continue to age. It was the idea and somewhat depressing yet realistic thought that one day after one’s death others will come into their...

No One Ever Fully Gets the Life They Hoped For

I’m exhausted today likely due to my spontaneous consumption of one dark chocolate holiday truffle eaten around midnight as I shut off the TV and headed to bed, which is about my usual time. It was just laying there on the coffee table next to another wrapped light chocolate ball. I’m highly sensitive to caffeine. I drink a huge double cup of morning coffee and generally won’t drink coffee or any caffeinated beverage after about 2 pm as precaution against...

Timeless Distilled Theology

Today in the late afternoon after being indoors focusing on mentally draining tasks and absorbed in backburner melancholies of sorts, I just had to get outside for my daily dose of that which is good for my soul. With so many outdoor tasks calling to me in the autumn as preparations for winter hasten, I found myself gravitating toward going into my small back pasture area to continue picking up black walnuts and shagbark hickories. I suppose my older son’s...