


(Written November 11, 2022) Fear Sometimes I am frightened by what is in me and what I cannot change Sometimes I am frightened by what is around me, and out there, unknown to me, that I cannot change Sometimes I hold out hope that all is not yet lost, yet I see no change Sometimes I feel too tired, there’s just been too much change But always I am human, and subject to change And my condition universal, yet particularly...

Awakening in Ashes

This morning I count myself among the countless human beings that awake in ashes day-after-day-after-day, and continue in their unseen warzone. They awake to find themselves seemingly drafted and re-drafted day-after-day-after-day in some internal warzone that is well-grounded in external circumstances – and to some extent in the actions of other people. People watch from afar, yet only a few are able to bring us water like “good old grinnin’, gruntin’ Gunga Din…” Not that they wouldn’t bring us water...

The Hymn That Broke the Camel’s Back

Amazing. How we can sense God’s presence…seem to be walking along through such hard, hard places with calm and confidence…when suddenly some thing in our day thrusts us into a type of panic and intense floods of thoughts…like stormy waves inside every chamber of our mind, heart, body and soul we are internally reeling….hyperventilating internally, while outwardly trying to maintain as much calm as possible…. We see the walls of perilous waters on either side of us and we have...