

The Hands of Time

(Written January 1, 2019, on Facebook): Visited with my cousin Laura today. Haven’t seen her in two years. She’s an artist, like me. And, she’s a Slifer. So it was a good day of talking and catching up and knowing our shared family traits and history. We Slifer’s seem to be attached to our sentimental things…our homes are filled with knick knacks and other items that tell the story of our lives. Like little markers left along a trail both...

That’s My Life in There….

Recently I had a conversation with an elderly person who said, “That’s my life in there…” While our lives are certainly more than what we interact with in the material realm, there is a huge truth I think we should pause and listen to, in these words… I imagine these thoughts are not uncommon as people continue to age. It was the idea and somewhat depressing yet realistic thought that one day after one’s death others will come into their...