

Opinion: Pennie and York County DHS –“No Harm, No Foul?” (Part 2)

I started Part I of this with a statement I heard last night in a YouTube webinar that came up under some series of search terms I put into Google, relating to my speculative ponderings. I’m going to assume that if you read Part I and have continued here, that you find this topic/situation of interest. And I’m going to assume that I don’t need to specifically reference statements made in this 29-minute video precisely–I’m going to assume that you...

“GETTING” The Passover

There’s been a lot of talk since Superbowl Sunday about foot washing. Images of a Marxist utopia abound in the “He Gets Us” ad campaign which imported a specific, singular act found in scripture into the movement’s re-contextualization/agenda.I think we need to better understand the specifics of context found in scripture in order to better evaluate the ad campaign’s messaging. This is my feeble attempt as a layperson to lay the deeper groundwork, as I currently understand. I think we...

Linguistic Battles

Tonight in my YouTube feed this talk called Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality (with Jordan Peterson and Helen Joyce) came up and I listened all the way through. I think this is a worthy share. Dr. Peterson presents so much for consideration, drawing upon his deep expertise in the field of psychology and his own personal experiences of vitriolic response to his non-compliance. Equally, Helen Joyce, a British journalist, presents such keen observations and also tells of the vitriolic response...