

Guest Writing: A Christmas Memory, by Lucy S. Moise

I think I was about seventeen years old. Christmas Eve had finally come. The choir at our church had worked very hard on our Christmas music and I felt like I was ready. When the Midnight Mass Service was over, I felt extra good about myself. I had been in the church choir for several years already, but this time I felt more grown up. I felt like I had contributed my voice to bless others, and felt like I...

Ethnos and War Drums

Typically today we think in terms of nations, rather than the biblically-used Greek word ethnos. The link given is not intended to provide an exhaustive understanding of this term, nor deep interpretive understandings of how it is used in various passages or other contexts. I am simply thinking about our need to recognize that many, if not most wars, can somehow be traced back to underlying clashes between various ethnos that continually move, intermingle, ideologically evolve, revert and more… and...

The Art of Aloneness

The sense of being alone is far too common in this world.  Some of the most obvious reasons are the widow, the orphan, the misfits, the divorced, and yes, the unhappily married…just to name a few. I imagine the ways each person who finds themselves in alone places either regularly or from time to time are as unique as the person.  There is a quotation I’ve liked that came from James Taylor in one of his documentary interviews: ​ “To me, very...