

Opinion: Pennie and York County DHS –“No Harm, No Foul?” (Part 2)

I started Part I of this with a statement I heard last night in a YouTube webinar that came up under some series of search terms I put into Google, relating to my speculative ponderings. I’m going to assume that if you read Part I and have continued here, that you find this topic/situation of interest. And I’m going to assume that I don’t need to specifically reference statements made in this 29-minute video precisely–I’m going to assume that you...

Funeral For a Tree

Last week my son postponed his visit here by a day after learning that a great tree had fallen. He made the pilgrimage to see this massive 400-year-old white oak tree, and said that “lots of people have been trickling out all day paying their respects.” It is right that such a community landmark that has metaphorically seen so many humans come and go should be noticed when it finally comes down. This tree was not visited nor mourned by...

A Sampling From Four Recent Caricature Gigs (Since May 2)

Below are videos from four events I drew at since my last sharing here on May 2. I try to periodically update all the various places that I share these: Facebook personal and business pages, LinkedIn, my two websites Visual Design Arts and Creative Party Entertainment-Central PA…and eventually, here too! We are moving into the season where I am booking for holiday parties and events. Please contact me if you would like to book me in for a birthday party,...

Seeing, Immediacy, Watercolor and Life…

Recently I painted a portrait from the last photo taken of a friend’s father, drinking his coffee. I saw the image shared online last summer and was immediately struck with the desire to paint from this image, for a number of reasons ranging from care and sympathy (this photo had accompanied some sharing about her father’s recent death), to the immediately recognizable artistic qualities this image presents to me as a painting-worthy photo reference. As I worked on the piece...