

Unfinished…and Eternity

I continue to gradually dig through and sort through old photos and other things I’ve kept over the years– re-organizing, discarding or gifting certain items. I think that as we age, it is good to gradually do this to make sure that one day the stuff which might be of some value to those left behind would be more apparent. The above image has a finished sea shell, unfinished wildflowers, and an unfinished painting of Asters that I have recently...

Signs, and Scoffing!

I was once in a group discussion about whether we believed in miracles and the “supernatural.” It was a fairly lively, opinionated discussion as I recall. But one idea I took away was that sometimes, a sign or a miracle can be something in the natural realm that happens with such specificity that it is considered to be a miracle or supernatural in the eye of the beholder. While of course many biblical accounts of miracles and supernatural happenings were...

Sacred Spaces

I made this video yesterday afternoon, toward dark. Just thought I’d share it, along with copying the text I put with it on my YouTube. I have found recently uploading to YouTube is the best way to embed video for use on my blog. Yesterday I was listening to some George Winston, a song I find quite meditative, on loop, while also wanting to move a wheelbarrow full of dirt elsewhere to at least plant one row of snow peas....

Jesus, Our Mediator

Our relationship with Jesus is the most personal and precious and open and vulnerable relationship we can imagine and cultivate.  In my view, it is one where there are no rules.  No right or wrong way to talk to Him and with Him.Because we can trust that the gentlest of hands – His hands – will sift through the wheat and the chaff of our expressions – keeping and especially acting upon what He knows to be good, right and...