

Bluegrass Meets Hebrew-Formed Sound!

I get a bit excited when I discover a new musical group to incorporate into my Spotify and its various playlists. Since I am not a radio listener, the mechanism for my new discoveries come by way of YouTube suggestions. While there is a tremendous amount of online-bad in having our preferences, interests and other internet explorations monitored, the usage of my algorhythm to introduce me to music I like is actually welcomed. (It should be noted that YouTube in...

Hell Came Calling This Morning…

I know the title is shocking, perhaps, but my intention is far from profanity. The word “hell” was on the lips of Jesus Himself, a few times in scripture. Technically, it was another word in Aramaic that came to us translated as such. I seem to be regularly moving through a number of ongoing difficult and hellish situations. No day is one-hundred percent difficult, or one-hundred percent of anything. As CS Lewis noted, something along the lines of “we never...

An Unbeatable Hand (Job Chapter 6)

Years ago a friend explained the game of Texas Hold’em to me.  There were conceptual reasons and metaphors to be considered in the context of the conversation at that time.  And they also said I would probably make a good poker player because I was really smart. In many tangible ways my brain does work somewhat like a poker player – but probably more like a chess player. I have high conceptual strengths in both games but one of my...

I Cannot Come

I seem to be in some situation where I cannot truly plan how to navigate the seemingly endless string of plaguing locusts in my situation. I mean, I plan, and plan well…however…. This morning I inwardly reflect on another day awoken to here where seemingly unnecessary things are before me, thwarting and sapping me of every bit of mental, emotional and physical stamina when I’m barely finished my coffee after a good eight hours sleep. “Lord Jesus, what do I...