

Call Out Aloud Their (‘Dead’) Names

“Why do you seek the living among the dead?” (Luke 24:5) That question, found in the gospels, comes to mind. And though there is the context of looking for the dead body of Jesus in the tomb, there is something so inherent to the human condition that I must start with just that statement.Humans are wired to seek life, and avoid death. Humankind fell out of God’s grace of life in the Garden of Eden, and there, very real issues...

A New Type of Asylum

Lunacy. Asylums. Refugees. How crazy is the state where you live? If one of your children or grandchildren decides to run away (with potential assistance of activists) so they can start so-called “gender affirming care” without your consent, how far do they need to be transported through the network into the “safety” of these mad asylums? It used to be that asylums were for the insane, and that we granted asylum to refugees fleeing from forms of insanity. But in...

The Hostage-Taking Therapist

I just read the latest article in my inbox from my substack article subscription to Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT) and it seems like another worthy of passing along, with hopefully just a few limited comments I have about the matter. The article is written by a therapist and is titled A Letter to Parents from A Concerned Therapist. I formed my blog piece title here as a spin-off, subtopic that this piece generated in my own thinking...