

A Crisis of the FAKE

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet“ William Shakespeare That is, if it wasn’t a fake rose. Does calling something that is fake by another name make it any less fake? Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you noticed something but you are afraid to point it out? Kind of like the situation of the Emperor’s New Clothes. Plot “Two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an emperor who spends lavishly on clothing...

Ethnos and War Drums

Typically today we think in terms of nations, rather than the biblically-used Greek word ethnos. The link given is not intended to provide an exhaustive understanding of this term, nor deep interpretive understandings of how it is used in various passages or other contexts. I am simply thinking about our need to recognize that many, if not most wars, can somehow be traced back to underlying clashes between various ethnos that continually move, intermingle, ideologically evolve, revert and more… and...