“God-Winks” and The Thirteen Pairs of Cat Socks

February 7, 2022

Awhile back I was telling some little story to a friend and she said it was a “God-wink.”

I liked that thought and it has stuck with me.

Winks are small, quick and very personal signs of affection or secret-sharing. I seem to find at least one personal “God-wink” on most days…and some days might be filled with quite a few.

But maybe I’m just looking for them, I don’t know…

I did think there was a funny one that happened to me on Friday. I had run errands in Lancaster and then went on to the Amish-run BB’s Grocery Outlet in Quarryville, and then to my son’s for dinner and the evening, since he is fairly close to there. This is a loop I sometimes make and can consume a full day.

While closer to Lancaster I stopped at my favorite Goodwill outlet – they sell some items (clothing, frames and more) by the pound, so I can get some good deals. Next door, is the regular Goodwill.

On Friday, I took a loop through that store, looking for any frames I might be able to use. I noticed by the entrance a wall of brand new socks, and in particular, women’s sock that were quite cute.

They were earthy colors and bluish denim colors…with lace ruffles on them and buttons and a nice knit…and no price.

I picked two pair and put them into my cart, curious the price. I mean, it’s Goodwill, but they were new and cute. And I’m in an extra frugal season at the moment…

At the register, I learned they were $4.99 each. I decided I didn’t want them, though I am starting to wear out (or lose mates to) my sock collection.


So later, I am walking through BB’s…wondering what will be the proverbial Mother Load of the day – anyone who knows what BB’s is (bents…bumps and all kinds of surplus or expired bargains, basically) – probably wonders the same when they walk through the door of the warehouse-like store with organized but random goods, powered by generators with Amish people stocking and running the registers.

Years ago when I had the nerve to feed my kids Captain Crunch cereal, I remember the Mother Load of it…but…the packaging was in Russian or something. Seriously, I don’t know how they buy up this stuff…some products are in French, too, but they are still recognizable to the consumer’s eye.

And then there was that time around 2004 when I happened upon many jars of Macadamia nuts at really really low cost. I bought every last jar off the shelf…probably around 10-15 of them.

Macadamia nuts are one of my favorite and very expensive. I remember bringing them home and others starting to eat them (!)…and in some fit of selfishness, I actually hid them in my office!

Meanwhile, one of my son’s was calling them “yuck-a-damia” nuts. I thought it was funny at the time because I had recalled watching a romantic comedy called It Could Happen to You. (Yes, I had to Google to remember the title…)

The scene I recall (which cannot be found on youtube) was the waitress’ fantasy of buying macadamia nuts, should she and the lottery-ticket-tipping-cop actual win and split it. I remember the movie was pretty sweet.

“Jul 29, 1994 — Her idea of splurging after she becomes a millionaire is to buy a large jar of macadamia nuts, and to savor every one.”


So back to my God-wink story from Friday.

I was walking through BB’s when I noticed a barrel of socks. I looked more closely and it was filled with cat socks, four-for-a-dollar.

I’m giggling as I write this, and surely some Amish person may have been wondering why some English woman was standing there smiling at a barrel full of cat socks.

I mean…artistically…the images of these cats are nothing to write home about.

But the idea of it all…priceless!

I did some quick mental math and picked out (it was tough to choose which twelve since they all looked the same) twelve pair out into my cart, thinking to myself, “and another perk is…I won’t have to worry about losing any mates!”


I was about to walk on…when I went back and grabbed a thirteenth pair.

For a friend.


I have a lot of cat-loving friends…but I had one particular woman in mind.

The winner of the .25 cent cat sock gift will likely get them by mail this week…wink, wink…hmmmm….


It would be really fun for anyone reading to comment below (better to comment here than on the FB share, since it is more permanent here) and tell me about some God-wink that happened to them.

I would love that!

Wait. Seriously. I just finished this and decided to photograph the socks close up, and are these simple cats winking? This can’t be. I really didn’t study the images too closely…but…their one eye is a diamond and the other…hmmm….oh dear!

No description available.

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