Now I know
That I knew nothing back then
All I thought I knew
Was another day where we might take a walk
Around the mobile home park
Where I might vacuum the rug
Throw in some laundry
Turn on the TV
We might sit on the couch
With the morning sun peeking through some lace curtains
Maybe you would like a banana and
I would hand you one and sit and watch you eat it
Maybe we would chat
Or maybe I would just marvel at every bit of you, little one…
And then
I might find my camera and use a few precious and costly photo snaps onto some film…
Maybe it would be months before we might finish the roll or find the
Money to have it made into prints…
Oh the lazy, hazy banana days
When things seemed so simple
Yet, they were not….
Happy Thirty-third birthday, Zachary…I love you!
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