Seeing, Immediacy, Watercolor and Life…

September 18, 2022

“Portrait of Allison’s Daddio”

Recently I painted a portrait from the last photo taken of a friend’s father, drinking his coffee.

I saw the image shared online last summer and was immediately struck with the desire to paint from this image, for a number of reasons ranging from care and sympathy (this photo had accompanied some sharing about her father’s recent death), to the immediately recognizable artistic qualities this image presents to me as a painting-worthy photo reference.

As I worked on the piece between August 26 and September 10, I had a number of thoughts about immediacy and seeing – both in art and in life – which I hope to better convey in this audio-visual I put together with commentary and various clips of the painting process in progress.

Thank you for interest in viewing at parts, or all.

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