Claiming Gender in an Obliterated Category

November 3, 2022

I came across the video (featured at the end) tonight in my YouTube feed and feel it is worthy to pass on for consideration.

First, I am appalled that a forty-five-year-old man on TikTok is influencing young people, many who may not yet be of consenting age, into paths of such self-devastation and self-destruction.

In my generation, prior to the internet, if a man like this drove an ice cream truck through a neighborhood, parents would keep their children inside, and he’d likely be arrested. Yet, this man is freely selling predatory perversion through a medium such as this and it seems that society generally thinks this is okay.

While accurate and truthful information or free speech opinions are being routinely censored as misinformation and disinformation, the thought of standing up to things such as this may be seen by many as territory in which one should remain silent and unconditionally accepting.

While this man and his ridiculously flawed and deceptive presentation (I will not even consider it logic, as likely he knows what it really is…and I suppose in this way I’m being just a bit less kind to him than Matt Walsh in his assessment) is somewhat laughable, the heartbreaking consequences of permanent and lifelong, genital mutilation is not laughable.

And while for many who watch this, he might be dismissed as an outlier in the transgender realm, I urge close attention be given to echoes of the inherent dis-logic that abounds beyond this one person’s poisonous delusion.

Several weeks ago I did a piece which features a video at the end of a heartbreaking look at a young woman de-transitioning and devasted by her previous permanent decisions about her body and sexuality. I believe within some of those interviews included mention of how many young people, especially teenage girls, are being influenced by TikTok figures. REPENTANCE, FIFTY SHADES OF BLACK AND FIFTY SHADES OF WHITE

I invite those interested in this subject and the very real consequences to individuals, families and society to listen and observe the video below.

While it may sound harsh for Matt Walsh to speak about this as he does, I believe he is giving voice to what many truly think and are afraid to say. There is nothing truly loving about turning a blind eye to the ugly truth of the matter. A matter that is ravaging many young people’s lives and their families.

I would challenge those who think this movement is benign or that acceptance casts away the damaging and ravaging to ask themselves, what would happen (if they are involved in some such relationship/family situation) if they didn’t comply?

How have we come to a place where speaking the most obvious truths are somehow considered hateful and unloving?

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    1. I watched both videos. I interpreted Jeffrey’s POV as valid but poorly expressed. What I “heard” is that you don’t have to force yourself into a category. Be you; like what you like, enjoy what you enjoy; embrace life on your own terms and don’t let anyone tell you that you must look, dress or present yourself in a specific way based on what they view as “normal”. I didn’t interpret his statements as gender annihilation. I interpret Mr. Walsh’s video as missing the point and a bit phobic. There is much I don’t fully comprehend about living as a transgender human because I am fortunate that my body and my identity are aligned in the traditional sense. I have tremendous empathy for those who struggle to find themselves in that sense. I think that journey must be painful, frightening and lonely–yet, so important in order to achieve personal happiness. Compassion is so important in this life. Just because I don’t understand something doesn’t make it unreal or invalid.

      Having said way more than I meant to, it is important for me to acknowledge that I also have great respect and compassion for those who see this whole matter differently than I do. Just because I don’t understand their point of view doesn’t make it invalid, either. This a very difficult subject, especially when it hits close to your heart.

      1. Dear Karen, first, thank you for taking the time to watch both videos and to make a compassionate and thought-through response. I do acknowledge this is a very difficult subject. I’m not sure if you’ve followed the subject much through other video resources, etc. I understand that only watching this particular episode of Matt Walsh might lead to a certain perception, but, even if you were familiar with a number of his commentaries and information, you might nonetheless feel the same. I’ve had interest in this topic and have discovered that it seems to go well past my initial understanding and take on the matter even two to five years ago. If you have interest, I follow Jordan Peterson and Bret Weinstein as well. I am appalled, now, in retrospect and deeper exploration, how this enter movement has its genesis and political momentum. If I felt it was a simple as what you expressed you heard as takeaway from Jeffrey (and others, I am assuming) – “Be you; like what you like, enjoy what you enjoy; embrace life on your own terms and don’t let anyone tell you that you must look, dress or present yourself in a specific way based on what they view as “normal” – then I don’t think I’d feel and think as I now do.

        I am in agreement with you that there are too many painful things in this world. It is a broken place and young people are truly in distress (and older ones as well) for such a number of reasons. I suppose that is where the conversation exists, the various vantage points of understandings.

        I do appreciate and value your comments. Thank you!

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