Glitter Moms, Sanctuary States and Irreparable Harm

December 17, 2022

In mid-April of this past year, a family member sent me a DM with a photo of my son and his partner, standing together and holding an ultrasound announcing they were to be the parents of twins. She even joked along the lines of “lol” is this April fools?

I had already received the difficult news the day before from a sensitive, true and caring person in my life concerning the news that not only was I going to be a grandmother, but that my trans son had fathered twins. When I saw the screenshot from this family member the next morning while standing over my bathroom sink, I literally had to put down my phone. I was already reeling emotionally from so many ongoing and troubling things, and this light-hearted announcement to me felt like another assault.

I had been severed in relationship by my son–who named himself as being transgender/gender queer–for well over a painful year (with the slow, insidious genesis of excommunication going back nearly ten years). I currently do not know the exact state/phase of my son’s current identification in this realm since his father refers to him as “he” and a “grown man” without any (known) resentments, while I remain estranged for a number of false accusations which include not calling him his woman’s name or “she.”

The accusation of misgendering is the one I find most peculiar since I was calling my son a woman’s name and “she” well before other family members did this. I have a number of DM’s going back to at least 2020 with these direct references and more (asking what they wanted to be called) and even receiving messages back stating that I was the only one in the family who respected them in this (paraphrase).

A true, godly and dear friend became privy to these snippets and remarked that this should put an end to the false narrative surrounding me and my mothering (paraphrase).

But, it did not and has not. (And not that I have made any attempt to assert these truths to those most closely involved in this horrific situation).

The family member who sent me the screenshot, with whom I eventually severed from in April–thus beginning an unleashing of a series of public slander and assaults by them–seemed to be acting as a trans-activist and intruding in ways that, in my view, have created irreparable harm. After three rounds of dialogue by DM with this family member (May 2021/Fall 2021/April 2022) over heart-breaking issues with my youngest son, she persisted in confronting me in various ways over my mothering, my religious views and essentially, free speech (my summary of the deepest issues and intentions, from my view).

The assaults continued into September where she and another person seemed to be collaborating in creating fake emails on my blog for the specific purpose of leaving mocking, slandering and harassing comments. I also received two emails from her with content that would seem to have the intention of emotional blackmail and potential material harm.

This family member names themself as a Christ-follower. As far as I know, they continue to have connections online (and possibly otherwise) with more than one person that has caused me other forms of harm, including my youngest son. I struggle with imagining some future scenario where this family member comes to repentance and seeks my forgiveness. Because honestly, I would never trust this person again and the amount of known personal suffering this person has achieved may only be the half of things, for all that I know.

On one hand, there is a type of gratitude I feel that God permitted the full extent of things to be revealed to me through this situation, painful as it was. My gut knew something was off, but it wasn’t until after it all went down that God used it to not only consider, in new ways, the truth of damaging (even evil) family dynamics that seem to go back into other maternal generations but led me to more deeply try to understand the cult religion that has swallowed up my son and so many other young people.

Sometimes those who experience some direct pain (I think of Mother’s Against Drunk Drivers or advocates arising from the Sandy Hook tragedy) find that one of the best ways to provide themselves some small relief seems to be finding some new purpose. Much of my life’s purpose has been in being a mother, and the best one I am capable of being. Now, it seems I am in a season (from which I will not relent or stand back in fear) of speaking truth to this situation.

The losses I feel and have experienced in a very real, material way, seem to have a number of rippling effects, and I do not know if or when it will ever be over and made right. It is a long-standing truth that finding some purpose in one’s struggles helps one to endure, rather than lose hope. This truth was put forth in the book by Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search For Meaning.

I now keep educating myself (and others) on the extremely dark side/dark roots of what people wrongly name “The Gender Journey.” What is happening is none short of a politically-driven, spiritually-evil, Transgender Religion. It could easily be argued that the agenda is related in some peculiar, hidden way to population control, the destruction of the family and children, pedophelia and sexual impurity, and of course, corporate greed.

There are a number of aspects I want to keep writing about, but for now, I want to raise awareness on Glitter Moms and Glitter Families.

Perhaps this family member might be considered as having acted as a Glitter Mom. Their verbalized intentions of benevolence and direct/indirect “supportive” concern for my son manifested in a number of statements I now see for what they really are, and confirms what I am now learning about the malevolence and brain-washing that is going on. To be fair, perhaps there is some reason in this family member’s personal world unknown to me that led them to buy-in so very deeply to the transgender cult and political/spiritual agenda, but whatever prompted their views and actions is not my concern at this point.

My concern is for my own sons, my grandchildren, myself and the myriads of others suffering immense personal and permanent harms.

I have learned that a high number of those being led down the transgender path have backgrounds involving autism, divorce and family issues and mental health issues. This was not a surprise to me at all. However, to hear so consistently the stories now surfacing from de-transitioners and others who are exposing the darkness is an astounding wake-up call to those that might consider themselves “WOKE.

A “Glitter Mom” can be defined as another trans-activist (maybe another mom/family member/transgender male posing as a maternal figure) that offers themselves online or otherwise as an adoring, welcoming substitute to the natural mother/family.

Part-and-parcel to the transgender cult–like any cult–is a systematic chipping away at the potential convert’s past history.

Since many of these troubled young people do come from messy family situations or have other mental health/identity issues, the idea of re-branding themselves can seem emotionally and psychologically enticing. And it is this vulnerability that the predatory figures in the movement exploit.

It is well-known that some of the worst cults in history not only re-named its members but required them to sever connections with their natural families, often manipulating the converts to re-write their personal history to ensure compliance and allegiance to the replacement family (the cult, or, the new Glitter Moms, and the transgender movement itself).

I can testify that in my own situation with my son, remarks were increasingly made that confirm to me that they had succumbed to this process. Nothing is more painful than a son that once trusted you and told you they knew that “you always had their back” sitting across from you in a restaurant on their twenty-fifth birthday telling you, “You are not my mom anymore, you are just another person in the world.”

My heart breaks not only for my own griefs, but for what I now know is fast becoming a widespread phenomena. The internet is powerful and these forces are powerful.

I don’t think any parent, any family, no matter how well you believe things are, should consider themselves immune or somehow above one day experiencing these same heartbreaks. I write, that we all be on guard and especially, those of us that name and consider ourselves of the household of faith.

Below, I link articles worthy of consideration, and a quality interview I urge you to watch. Education and information is power. Too many people are watching all this unfold in the news or in the lives of their family and friends and standing in a place of fear. We don’t want to be labeled as hateful if we speak the truth. We may see that the emperor indeed has no clothing, but we see what happens to other moms and families who do not praise the attire, as though it is some natural, acceptable, beautiful choice of garment.

It is not. And, not only is it hideous attire, it is fast-becoming potential permanent garb through medical mutilation.

May God have mercy on us all.

Hear how California is becoming a sanctuary state for transgender medical mutilation of minors, even enticing the underage to run away to this state in order to get free “affirmative” care without parental consent. This interview has deep content beyond this one issue and I urger readers to listen, in full. Erin Friday is a California attorney and mother of a de-transitioned teenager, and legislative advocate for parental rights and protection of children.

How transgender “Glitter Moms” are trolling the internet and ruining children’s lives

The Secret Tactics of Glitter Moms: A Tale of Betrayal and Grooming

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