

An Undivided Heart

Today marks another Valentine’s Day where I (and many others) find themselves in some condition of aloneness in this life–even those who are married may ultimately exist in this state of being for any number of reasons. Today also marks the beginning of Lent–Ash Wednesday. I like the idea of taking something up during Lent rather than giving something up. As I prepared for sleep last night, I thought that perhaps during this Lenten season I should daily take up...

Because I Wrote About GLOO Last Night…

Because I wrote about GLOO last night on social media and engaged in related internet searches, this morning I awoke to see the following ads in my Facebook newsfeed. It was a surprising amount that Facebook quickly used its algorithms to flash before my eyes. I expanded a number of them and did screenshots, and I will insert some commentary on some. I really could have kept scrolling and gathering more quite easily but I figured this was enough to...