The following genealogy is adapted from the book The CARTER, ALKIRE, KENNEDY, WILLIAMS and Related Families, by Judge James M. Carter, published 1977.
The Family of Jacob Albert Carter and Margaret Jane Kennedy (Carter)1
Jacob Albert Carter, (born September 20, 1850; died December 27, 1893), son of Robert Marshall Carter and Catherine Rebecca Alkire (Carter)2 married Margaret Jane Kennedy (born November 29, 1851; died March 20, 1939), daughter of Thomas Kennedy and Sarah (Sally) Williams. They were married on March 9, 1873 in WV.
they bore 3 sons and 5 daughters:
- Ida Victoria Carter – b. 1874
- James Madison Carter – b. 1875
- Nora Nevada Carter – b. 1877
- Emma Florence Carter (Woods) – born February 13, 1879; died January 9, 1960
- May Ora Carte – b. 1881
- Mary Effie Carter (Linger) – born March 4, 1883; died January 26, 1941
- George Mason Carter – b. 1885
- Junnie Francis Carter – b. 1887
1Pg. 24-25, The CARTER, ALKIRE, KENNEDY, WILLIAMS and Related Families, by Judge James M. Carter, published 1977.
2Pg. 151, The CARTER, ALKIRE, KENNEDY, WILLIAMS and Related Families, by Judge James M. Carter, published 1977.
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