Thomas Kennedy

January 16, 2023

Thomas Kennedy was born about 1821 in Tipperary, Ireland and according to family history, came to the United States prior to twenty-five years old. The Lewis County, West Virginia census of 1850 says he was 29 years old.

He died in July 1885.

Thomas Kennedy was my maternal great-great grandfather. His daughter was Margaret Jane Kennedy (Carter), whom my mother was likely named after. Margaret Jane bore Mary Effie Carter (Linger), who was my grandmother, who bore my mother, Margaret Ruth Linger (Slifer), who bore me, Eileen Kennedy Slifer.

My mother had an intense obsession about the Kennedy family connection and I often heard her tell the story of how we were likely related to the President’s family through a common ancestor from Roscommon County, Ireland. Recently my older son was reading part of the Carter genealogy book and noticed that there was indeed, some basis to entertain the possibility of connection.

At some point, I will add in the scans of such information as I have time.

I was always embarrassed at my middle name, since it felt disconnected and different from the types of middle names given my friends in grade school. These days I go by Eileen K. Slifer, and there was a time when I first married which I took my father’s name (my maiden name) as my name used.

My mother had a lot of Kennedy collectibles and magazines/newspapers, and I was about six months old when JFK was assassinated.

I saw a letter from my paternal grandmother to my father (as I recall) which said along the lines, “What kind of middle name is that?” I was told my father selected my first name, which is a form of the name Helen with Irish roots and the meaning of “light.” And I was told my mother selected my middle name.

Given the fact that no one on my father’s side seems to know how my father, the oldest of the eight Slifer siblings, got the middle name “LaTaine” (which appears French), I suppose that small-sentence-trivia I once read and took note of by my other grandmother can go into the category of “that’s a good questions” alongside of a smile, too!

There are some professional photos my parents had made of me as an infant (actually I appear to be around six months old) where I am dressed in what my mother called “The Kennedy Dress.” It had red-white-blue decoration with stars and stripes on the edge/hem. I still have that dress in a trunk. The photo series included pictures of me in a regular dress, and in my christening gown, as well. Also, I recall a little rocking chair my mother photographed me in as well, and it was called, “The Kennedy Rocker.”

I suppose she had some reason to name a little wood child’s rocker as such.

Currently, I am finding some tidbits discovered about Thomas Kennedy of quite some interest, and will be working my way through writings related to several things.

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