I get a bit excited when I discover a new musical group to incorporate into my Spotify and its various playlists. Since I am not a radio listener, the mechanism for my new discoveries come by way of YouTube suggestions.
While there is a tremendous amount of online-bad in having our preferences, interests and other internet explorations monitored, the usage of my algorhythm to introduce me to music I like is actually welcomed. (It should be noted that YouTube in general suggests me things of actual interest, while my Google newsfeed uses the same “data” about me seemingly to persuade me or otherwise mess with my head. I get the sense that its suggested articles show “it” has been listening to my private verbal, text and other “conversations” which is really creepy.)
But, back to the good part here!
I’ve clicked once or twice on the group Nefesh Mountain and liked what I heard and the visuals of their videos, but late last night I was really energized and excited about this first piece that popped up. It lead me to explore some more about this duo/band and as I listened to some other pieces this morning, I Googled to find if they were Christians.
Some of the Jewish tradition do come to faith in Yeshua as Messiah, and I simply wondered. The short answer appears to be that he/or both of them are not of that spiritual leaning per se, nevertheless I note the beautiful joy that seems to radiate in their music.
I like it, and I like them, a lot. Enough to share them here!
This next piece is interesting–I have never known of a musical expression dedicated to Anne Frank. There is a line in this piece, “Where there is hope, there is life,“ which interests me. Usually I have heard that expression in reverse, “Where there is life, there is hope.“

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