Constructing a Real Thing

April 21, 2023

As I prepare today to visit Delaware for business and otherwise, I’m listening to a podcast that seems worth passing on–for whatever it is worth.

Passing along podcasts here for those who think and care very deeply about things that matter shouldn’t always be such a difficult task. I’ve noticed that on social media since 2020, for whatever reason, there is very little talk about politics or people linking articles. I’m not sure what brought that phase of social media to an end, honestly, and in many ways I think that is very good.

It seems to me my blog is the place for sharing things that will provoke thought and analysis of ideas.

As I listen, what I often do is take note of some phrase at some point that might make an apt title here. Initially, the phrase was Identifying as Being Out of Power. At around minute 30 or so, in this conversation, the idea that “the WOKE” are actually in control of all the power institutions yet maintain the narrative of the powerlessness and disenfranchised made for some interesting dialogue between the four in this talk.

The thing about this podcast–and many from Benjamin Boyce–is the initial small talk that threatens to lose the new listener. It is like getting past ocean shore breakers, I suppose. One has to stay with it until the real conversation gets going.

I found myself grasping just 50-60% of this, I suppose, in that I get the gist and certain parts resonate with me more than others. There are some deeper historical references that are touched upon which I surely could not repeat back, but, I took in the sequence of thoughts.

There’s a lot of topics covered here including political movements, rebellion, redemption, religion, Jesus as King, authority, counter culture, logic, power and authority, fatherhood, patriarchy, higher learning institutions, rhetoric and more. All in all, this talk is pretty deep and while one never needs to agree with every thought or idea, listening to conversations such as this can expand our own thinking and understandings of very difficult and crucial matters.

Though I pause to write this when I still have about 20 minutes of the talk left, I decided upon the current title. I had just got to the wrap-up part which shifted into how to counter the negative forces at play. The idea was introduced that one must construct something real. I sense there is yet some meaty discussion at the end, since I have increasingly observed what I would name as an increasing and destructive onslaught of the artificial and synthetic.

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