The Reconstruction of Joseph (According to “Queer Theory”)

August 7, 2023

This morning I had reason to ruminate on the Joseph of Genesis. There was something in my mind that made me want to listen to a particular part of his story. The story of Joseph interpreting the cup bearer’s (and the baker’s) dream is what I wanted a refresher on, but I picked up right before that part and continued listening for awhile, up past the part where the brothers and then Jacob went into Egypt, and on past when both Jacob and later Joseph, were embalmed in Egypt after their deaths.

These days I find myself gravitating to many Old Testament stories, Psalms, Proverbs and wisdom literature a lot more than the New Testament. I seem to be in some spiritual season where I am especially hungry for these stories, histories and expressions. They are so dense, with so much to digest, providing a foundation to understand and follow the Jesus of the scriptures and the entirety of what God wants us to understand.

As I listened through these chapters in Genesis, there were various parts that stood out to me as things worthy of taking note. I thought to myself how very richly layered and significant the story of Joseph is. I am drawn to Joseph’s story for several reasons.

If I had to say the top three themes I believe the story of Joseph is about they would be 1) Jealousy/family relationships, 2) Dreams and prophetic realms and 3) Divine providence and God’s intention to form a people for Himself.

Eventually, my contemplations on Joseph took me to a recollection of someone asserting to me that the robe of many colors that Joseph is known for had something to do with him being transgender, or “queer. Out of curiosity, I did a Google search to see what kinds of twisting of this story to suit one’s own beliefs and agenda I might find, and whether this was common thought by those who follow the transgender religion.

Below is the first article that came up, and there are certainly more.

I browsed it over and found it so deeply problematic that I don’t feel it worth my time to say why this ideology superimposed on sacred scriptures has no basis in the reality of anything.

I was struck by not only the deconstruction of the actual biblical story (which deconstructs a segment of continuity in the narrative of God’s people), but the reconstruction of some other Joseph that was not the Joseph of Genesis.

One time I told someone that I couldn’t resolve a certain thing in my mind. I said it was like a Rubik’s cube, that I just kept turning and turning it around but couldn’t get all parts to align in my mind. The listener told me that this thing was not like a Rubik’s cube because a Rubik’s cube can actually be resolved. They said instead, it was like a Rubik’s cube where someone had re-arranged all the stickers.

And that comparison made much sense.

There are those in the Church who for some reason want to believe certain things about human sexuality and gender identity. The things they want to believe defy basic science, logic, morality and ethics, societal good and historically authenticated Judeo-Christian understandings of God’s design for human beings, marriage, sexuality and families.

I believe that deep down, they must know that this new gender ideology and religion does not align with the plain teachings from scripture–not only on human sexuality but how many things in the world actually work (including demonic delusion and activity). Rather than accepting and obeying the teachings of scripture in these matters, they become people who would rearrange stickers on Rubik’s cubes in order to promote the deception in a way they can (falsely) claim that it can align with Judeo-Christian truths.

It seems there is a continuum of responses within the Church regarding the infiltration of the transgender religion. When one begins asserting that transgenderism can be found in biblical texts, that seems to represent the far end of the darkness scale.

The article below is a sampling of “queer theory” going full eisegesis–as is its only destiny if one is hell-bent on asserting that it exists in the Bible.

Joseph and the queer Biblical princess dress

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