The Luxury of Surviving Today

September 18, 2023

Somewhere between (and inclusive of) that which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger and every possible bible verse that addresses hardships, sufferings, loss and survival (perseverance), is the thought that in a sense, literally/figuratively surviving today is a luxury that many people do not have.

We brought nothing into this world and we can take nothing out. Daily, there are those on this earth (and all that have gone before us) that literally won’t physically or otherwise survive today.

These may be soldiers in literal wars which will meet their end of days on earth today, or those suffering physical illness that will meet their end of days on earth today, or those who will encounter some seemingly random tragedy that will meet their end of days on earth today.

There are those who do not have food to eat nor a place to sleep today. Tonight, they will sleep on the streets of earth, without the luxury of what I have (for at least today). There are those entangled in such painful, immediate relational crises today that they cannot function–human beings that have literally lost the ability to cope.

Today, I am not one of these people. Today, I will wage war again on this Monday in a situation that feels like it has no meaningful end, and no true earthly hope in sight.

Back before the term privilege became overused, changed in meaning and having taken on a life of its own, I remember the word luxury being used in serious conversations about various hardships and much more.

It might have been said, “I don’t have the luxury to behave like that…or think like that…” (somewhere along those lines)

When I think of those times, I think of having children dependent upon me. I just didn’t have the luxury to not do everything before me or everything possible to care and provide for them as best possible.

Today, I think about when I was a child. I think about all of us as young children, and I think about the children today that are dependent on adults around them to keep them safe and to provide for them.

I heard a lot of talk in my home surrounding various struggles that my parents were trying to battle through (albeit quite dysfunctionally in that particular situation). But I don’t think I ever truly felt, experienced or otherwise contemplated any real possibility/threat to whatever life I had. Despite the great anxiety that constantly permeated our home for so many reasons, I still got up each day and went to school. I still got good grades and continued as best possible to move forward into adulthood and into the world.

Not every child has the luxury of thriving despite so many odds against them, and many did not physically survive in any way/shape or form past their very young adulthood.

Sometimes I don’t know if the world (and my world) has so truly changed over time to feel so literally insecure, or if it was always one step away from such a state. It is a very uncomfortable position to walk in the luxury of feeling so powerless…the luxury of feeling so very dependent…the luxury of having to trust so very literally my heavenly Father to survive today.

It’s hard, oh so very hard. And perhaps writing here on this Monday is a way to empower myself to keep focused on the very real little things (seemingly little) that are endlessly before me. Many know the same struggles; the same, ongoing, grueling day over and over again where we are keeping faithful with the little things of today because there is no other real choice.

We await you, Lord Jesus, for you to act on our behalf. We await you, Lord Jesus, to be brought into the promised land, into the green pastures of this earthly life that we so desire, even while knowing that we have no inherent right to such luxury. You are a good God, and though I struggle to trust You today, yet, I have no where else to turn nor to trust. Thank you, for this place of discomfort. It is for my healing, and it is for Your glory. Amen.


(From my social media post regarding the above video):

“I just pulled up this YouTube version of a song I wanted to include in a short blog piece I just wrote.
It is worth sharing here with some comments.

I came across the group Nefresh Mountain awhile back. I do enjoy certain types of bluegrass/folk music, and this group (led by a Jewish man and woman) has a terrific sound, with a number of Jewish based traditional prayers (such as Modeh Ani) put to vibrant song.

From my readings, it does not appear that these two are “Messianic Jewish believers” though I could be wrong and may have not read the right background articles.

What is really striking me this morning as I watched this is the vibrancy of worship filmed here. I sometimes (maybe often these days) have breakthrough experiences with this vibrancy/intensity of worship/joy/praise.

This scene reminds me of my early worship experiences as a believing young Christian. Before all the fluff and dross and negative things entered into “contemporary church worship and praise.” I’ll admit, I’m discouraged at a lot that I see these days, and it is hard to find a place where I feel I belong and can connect.

With the sound systems, the smoke/fog/lights mentality, the stage performances of songs that the average person (nor maybe anyone) can truly participate in due to its melodic/musical structure and “microphonic/performance-lead”…or odd lyrics that turn Jesus into some feel-good version of something, or elevate our own emotional responses….it is a lot to navigate.

Anyway, I just thought I’d share this. Christianity simply cannot be extracted from its historic, shared roots of Judaism. I really don’t know what kind of gathering this was filmed at per se nor what any of these humans believe in connection to Jesus, specifically. But what is clear to me is their connection to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and their tapping in to the joy and strength to be found through whole-hearted worship/praise/voice/lifted hands/bodily movement and especially dance.

Dance remains quite powerful in my personal life here, even when alone. (Actually always when alone).
I “think” (if my Google is right) that we just came out of Rosh Hashanah from Sept 15-17 this past weekend. The reason I pulled up this particular song is that on Saturday I had spun my Spotify playlist as I sometimes do and tapped down seemingly randomly on a song and it was this one.
And it was meaningful in so many ways and I listened to it on loop for a period of time that day.

I invite you to experience this musical expression, on this Monday.


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