Like many of us, the news from Israel and Gaza is hard to take. This morning, I tuned in to a few different reports. On one, I learned that Hamas had be-headed Israeli babies. On another, I learned that Israel has cut off all essential supplies to Gaza, which would include that which Palestinian babies are in need of to thrive.
I’m left with many thoughts and an unwillingness to assume/presume most anything about any of this, other than to state the obvious: all violence is horrific.
I also think about the question, “What are the rules of War?” Throughout history, humans have attempted to establish rules of War, but when War comes, it does not seem possible to arbitrate, enforce and keep these rules. Because War itself is barbaric and violates the most basic rule of what it means to be human, and the shalom of God.
Lord Jesus, we ask for Your mercy and for Your peace to rule.
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