Manipulative Communication and Semantic Games: Preston Sprinkle’s Recent Podcast

December 2, 2023

After finishing up my earlier blog piece from today (WHAT IS “CRU” AND WHY DID THEY “CANCEL” JOSH MCDOWELL?), another online resource popped up (which I quickly subscribed to after listening to the initial podcast) relating to Preston Sprinkle’s recent interactions with Pastor Jared Moore on his Theology in the Raw podcast.

I have now found myself subscribing to this Wokepedia podcast on YouTube (it is related somehow to EWIC News Site–“Enemies Within the Church”), along with a number of others dealing in the realm of exposing false teachers and false teachings in the Church.

I found the talk below interesting because he observed pretty much what I attempted to write about in my earlier piece today. But he presents it so much more clearly, since he is utilizing the spoken medium and interspersing segments from Preston’s interview with Pastor Moore to facilitate his analysis and commentary.

I will admit to forming my title here from a phrase that the speaker in the following video used at one point to describe Preston Sprinkle’s communication, stating to the effect that he is using “manipulative communication” and playing “semantic games” in his interactions with Jared Moore.

The reason that this situation involving Preston Sprinkle first got my attention in my YouTube feed is because I have been directed to consider Preston’s views on sexuality/gender issues by a clergy person that I know. I have now heard enough from Preston himself and from those highlighting the semantic games he seems to be playing to believe that while he maintains that his beliefs are historically biblical, at the same time, he is clearly giving platform and both overt/tacit approval to those wishing to deconstruct and keep the “conversation” shifting toward unbiblical thought and teachings in the realm of gender ideology.

I care about this–and forever will care about it–because I have seen (and am seeing first hand in real time) the truth of these matters and the horrific implications of emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual harm these destructive ideas bring…and leave…in their wake.

I will be continuing this series of sorts any time I come across a well-known figure within Christianity that seems to have somehow moved from point A to point B in their linguistics, ideology and theology.

I am quite curious if we listen to enough of these–coming from many directions–if we as believers can locate the pattern and process by which one’s thinking shifts in these matters. If we can do this, it will help us recognize it within our own local spiritual spheres and communities and take appropriate steps to protect ourselves and the body of Christ from these infiltrating destructive ideologies/heresies.

I firmly believe that such people in the Church that have fallen under the spell of WOKEISM–whether through political, sociological, financial, theological, demonic or all of the preceding ways and means, and likely moreare now indoctrinating others into the same path.

And we must ask…why?

For those who read for information as well as listen, here is further resource on Preston Sprinkle.

Thank You For Reading
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