Pastor Appreciation Portrait

February 7, 2025

Good morning, Eileen! Just wanted to let you know that I presented your work to my husband on Sunday. He was surprised, pleased, appreciative. The entire congregation was impressed with your work! Thank you for helping me to make my husband’s 4th pastoral anniversary a success.

~ Antoinette

It’s always nice to wake up to new messages such as this one! I finished up an 18 x 30 inch portrait last December (2024) as a surprise gift for a special Pastor. I worked with his wife on the project over several months, as we exchanged both photos, possible layouts and ideas before the actual painting part was ready to begin.

The scene was based on photos taken on Good Friday, where Pastor led a community gathering on the church’s steps. My client and I discussed how to best depict the essence of this scene, and we agreed that the one reference shown below with Pastor’s hand upward in an inviting stance was a winner!

As an artist, it can be challenging to work from multiple photos, using one full body stance while accurately altering expressions or other details. A lot of my preliminary work in such pieces is done in Photoshop, where I cut and paste, enlarge and reduce, and do other various edits until I have a single composite image I feel is workable. Adding additional people presents additional, and intriguing, creative challenges!

At the bottom, for those curious and interested, there is a YouTube video I strung together showing the artwork in progress.

Pastors don’t always get the recognition they deserve for their shepherding heart and labors of love. I am grateful to have been able to bring this gift of appreciation to life!

These are the kinds of meaningful projects I always welcome! If you have something in mind, please message me to discuss possibilities…

Thanks for reading and have a blessed weekend!


“The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.”~ 1 Timothy 5:17 (NIV)

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