‘Deadnames’ and the ‘Confessional’ Call

July 14, 2024

A name is one of the first gifts a parent(s) give to their child. Names are not random proper nouns, but parents give a lot of thought to this sacred act.

For a parent, their child’s given name is inextricably linked to hundreds of thousands of memories and experiences and even to aspects of their own identity as the parent of “child’s given name”.

It is the child’s given name that is so intrinsically embedded within internal memories of moments in time–anything from handing their toddler an ice cream cone at the beach and calling the child by their name, to picking the child up from school or a friend’s birthday party and announcing they are there for “child’s given name.”

Good mothers make up playful-songs and lullabies with their child’s name and sing to them in the middle of the night, nursing their beloved baby from a rocking chair while the household sleeps. Good fathers get down on the level of a child who needs correction and calls them by name, telling them to look him in his eyes, while he sternly but lovingly admonishes and teaches this child. Good parents want their child/children to grow up into healthy adults.

Indeed, a child’s given name is one of the most basic building blocks of attachment and life-long relational and family connection. Healthy and normal attachments and life-long connection help form healthy personal identities. And when these things are wrongfully rejected, the result is deep un-health and sorrows for all.

Think about how many sons are named after their father or grandfather, and how many daughters are given the same first or middle name as their great-grandmother. The name of a child serves so many purposes. And for many, the selection of a name carries with it representational/meaningful attributes–good and healthy hopes and dreams for the beloved child.

Not all parents select a name based in part on its linguistic meaning, but a good number of parents in all cultures do just that.

Each time that child’s name is spoken, there is a process of formation of the child’s identity as well as his/her inter-relationship within the family, the community and the world. In a sense, the family, community and the world is in an ongoing process of carving out relational space for connection/interaction with this child, and the child’s name serves as a kind of space-holder that represents this uniquely formed and beloved person made in the image of God and welcomed into family and community.

Confession, Christening and Christian Baptism

In the Episcopal Church (of which I once was a part of) as well as other liturgical churches, there are various “calls” to worship, to confession and to sacraments and sacred living. These “calls” may be worded in various ways based on scriptural references, and the faith community verbally confesses/proclaims these in a unified voice.

In scripture, there are examples of believers making a “good confession” (in the gospels and in the book of Acts) and in the New Testament there are also mentions of living up to one’s “good confession” in the Lord Jesus Christ. (I Timothy 6:12 “Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”)

In scripture, we can look to the prayers of Hannah for Samuel (I Samuel 1:27-28 “I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.  So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” ) as a model of current church practices that range from a ceremony of baby dedication to the practice of christening to the practice of infant baptism.

This piece does not exist to argue the finer points of theology regarding the scriptural basis for any of the above, but just as “marriage should be held in honor by all,” I believe that Christians of varying backgrounds should be able to hold in honor whatever sacred act in whatever sacred form that their Christian siblings of other backgrounds have taken, for the shared purpose of honoring God and seeking Him for the grace to be a godly parent and to lead their child/children to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

In the Tongue is the Power of Life and Death

(Proverbs 18:21)
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

(Proverbs 12:13)

An evil man is trapped by his rebellious speech, but a righteous man escapes from trouble.

(Proverbs 13:2)
From the fruit of his lips a man enjoys good things, but the desire of the faithless is violence.

(Proverbs 13:3)
He who guards his mouth protects his life, but the one who opens his lips invites his own ruin.

(Proverbs 21:23)
He who guards his mouth and tongue keeps
his soul from distress.

“Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.” – Revelation 20:15

As I thought on this topic, the above verse came to mind. It all makes sense to me: demonic forces want children of God to voluntarily relinquish their so-called “deadname.”


Because it represents the life that the demons have swallowed up and devoured.

Satan is all about death. And he sets himself up against Jesus and anything that represents LIFE.

This “un-naming” process is part of this new (yet age-old) religion of death. Indeed, those who speak of their “new identity” often present their condition as a kind of spiritual transformation. And parents, especially, are being called upon to bow down before the demons who have stolen their child’s identity, and confess.

Will you do it?

When the demons behind all this ask/require you (through your dear, loved one) to step up to the plate AND CONFESS, what will be your spiritual response? Will you be as Essau, who sold his birthright for a single meal? Will you cower and cave-in, being held hostage and in fear, just so you can see your grandchildren or not be ex-communicated by a grown child?

No Other Gods

The first commandment is “Thou Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me.”

Jesus made it clear that He did not come to abolish the law (or the commandments of God) but to fulfill them. While we are no longer saved through keeping the Old Covenant, by faith (and expressed through our confession and baptism), we receive our salvation and righteousness through Jesus Christ, written in His blood of the New Covenant.

Throughout the bible, the role of confessing something is a central theme. As is the theme of names and naming.

The third commandment says we are not to take God’s name “in vain.” When those who have not made Jesus their Lord and Savior or who have turned away from Him, not walking in obedience to Christ, try to say some version of “Jesus was ‘queer’ and that’s why he re-named the disciples” they are not only in biblical error, they are using/associating God’s name (Jesus) in vain/vanity (emptiness).

They are also in a form of bearing false witness/false testimony (a breaking of the ninth commandment) to God’s identity and God’s actions.

Perhaps I’m losing readers here. Perhaps some are unaware of people such as in this video who are actually speaking deceptively in this way of Jesus, and have followers repeating such things. This person is just one example and certainly not a lone influencer of such twisted beliefs. That video alone has 252K views and they can’t all be by those who are sharing/raising awareness of such demonic deception. For a better sense of that particular influencer, I suggest browsing his additional videos.

Back to bowing before a false god and confessing/bearing false witness to the truth…

When we are asked–no, required, in many cases–to confess a “new identity” that represents the “death” of who that person actually is, this is no small thing.

If this new name did not represent “death” and was not a “spiritual confession/act,” then parents and others would not be sanctioned for the “sin” of “deadnaming.”

We need to take this term “deadname” at face value: if there is a so-called deadname, then there is a so-called “dead” (at least for now…) person. Someone’s spiritual, emotional, psychological, intellectual life has been snatched and swallowed up by a demonically-driven religious cult. And we should know by now, that the first thing done by the worst of cults is to change one’s name, get them to re-write their past, and brainwash them to break ties with family and those who would remind them of who they really are.

The Role of Speaking Things into Existence

At the risk of my sounding like a “name it and claim it” interpreter of scripture with focus on positive/negative confessionalism, I will continue on here. Please note that I am not a Christian who advocates for hyper-focus, hyper-conceptualization of the power of the tongue. Yet, I do think when it comes to this issue of not speaking one’s “deadname” or verbally/positively confessing (“reputation-building” might be a better and non-religious term, as used in this excellent/logical video by a secular psychologist whom I quite respect) or of speaking another name that represents the “death” of someone’s past and identity , I’m willing to foray a bit into this realm…

The tongue has the power of life and death, or so the scriptures teach us in the texts I mentioned earlier in this piece. For by it, we bless and we curse. (James 3:9)

Furthermore, I believe that when the demons that are behind someone’s transformation into death call upon us to confess them as sovereign over that person (by renouncing the so-called “deadname” or confessing a name that represents a cutting off from one’s past, family and community), we are being asked to participate in a form of witchcraft.

Yes, the role of words and confessionalism (pronouncement of spells, curses and otherwise) in the realm of the occult has historically been known to be a realm of attempting to create, to control others or to manifest a reality that sets itself up against the knowledge of the One True God and of His will.

When God told Moses that he was to go to Pharoah with a message to “let God’s people go”, Moses inquired, “Whom should I say has sent me?” Because Moses understood that names also carry authority.

God told Moses to tell Pharoah that “I AM” sent him.

Each time someone confesses a different name that intentionally represents death (the so-called “deadname” actually represents LIFE but has been “re-named” otherwise) we are rendering further power and authority to the demonic entity(s) who have persuaded the hostage child to give their true life/identity over to a life/identity that brings darkness and death.

I know that for some readers who have gotten this far, this may be a very difficult concept to follow, in the context of whether or not a parent should relinquish their child’s so-called “deadname” and comply with some other name, with various tacit threats/coercions suggested will be the penalty of non-confessionalism.

It’s not just a name that you are being asked to confess (and renounce), it is in the context (and the role of helping create) two different identities. When a parent is asked to confess a “new name” of a transgender child, they are also being asked to confess the “death” of that child in a very real, spiritual, psychological and relational sense. It is no wonder that parents (and especially mothers) are among the last “holdouts”–refusing to comply with this word of “death” being spoken over and over and over again over their precious child.

I want to also note that (laying aside various theological understandings of either child or adult baptism/christening/baby dedication) that if any of these young people being held captive by demons were previously baptized, it is likely the so-called “deadname” and the identity the name represents, was the recipient of this salvation. As mentioned above, one’s “christened” name is that which God-believing, God-fearing parents carefully selected and gifted to their child.

(It is also beyond the scope of this piece to raise questions of the exact nature of demonic influence/authority that might exist–and on what basis–in the life of someone who has previously confessed Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and been baptized as an adult or cognizant-child believer.)

We must also note the role of names in baptism (and in the “Lamb’s Book of Life,” for example)–and that we have scriptural precedence to be baptized “in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Through baptism, the believer bears the name of Jesus, the Christ.

And it is these very things–and more–that demons attempt to dismantle (if they could): the very works of God.

The “new name” in a very real sense represents an induction into dark things, and into the deconstruction/annihilation of one’s very soul and identity.

Below, I will link some YouTube videos that give us a pretty clear picture of the demons that are requiring our confession–often at the threat of relational severance. And I will link some other relevant videos so that anyone reading this is absolutely clear what this is all about.

The first video will be a song called “Deadname” by FLASCH.

I encourage Christians to watch it, but I first encourage them to pray for God to guard their hearts, minds and souls. This is not for the faint-hearted, but for those Christians seeking and sufficiently strengthened by God’s Holy Spirit to take a first-hand look at how demonic activity manifests and looks like, for the purpose of discernment and wisdom in both actions and the prayer realm especially if they are being asked to confess, or if they are wanting to strengthen/support other believers who are being called upon to do so.

Again to stress here (but not discourage the watching) that the videos below contain images and words that will be difficult for some Christians to view, so again, if you choose to watch (for the purpose of clarity and awareness) please do pray first and prepare yourself. They are shocking and a kind of obviously “demonic” expression–and these are what our young people are being swallowed up by.

We must not turn a blind eye, we must not look away. And, we must not be “of those who shrink back and are destroyed.”

– “But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who have faith and preserve their souls” (Heb. 10:39)

If we bow before this powerful demonic entity(s) who is requiring our confession of someone’s “death,” we are complicit not only in the further/continued death of whom the spirit(s) are targeting, but our own faith and purity is being undermined and destroyed.

While I acknowledge some readers may be in situations where they have reasons for compromise/adaptation (and I know this is a deeply controversial thing with heavy outcomes resting upon our choices), sadly, I still believe that for some, this is just something that once we clearly see, we cannot compromise. I consider myself to be in this category.

There are ways to meet in the middle, I believe, such as avoidance of directly speaking any name. But sadly, these compromises are often not acceptable to those making the demands upon us to confess. It seems that Satan is attempting a zero sum game, and especially with parents.

My heartfelt prayer is that those reading would discern from God, directly, if they are being put in such a position and that the Holy Spirit would uphold any and all of us who are bearing the awful weights, sorrows and heartbreaks of these things, and enable us to stand firm in that which the Holy Spirit impresses upon us.

We cannot allow Satan to use us to help create someone’s false reality, nor feed the cancerous spirit of death that has overtaken someone’s life and identity. To do so, as mentioned above, also violates one of the commandments we are taught that involves not lying nor bearing false witness. Each of the ten commandments can be found in re-worded echos and concepts within the New Testament writings.

Just as it is untrue that “people change their names all the time,” it is also not true that because the Ten Commandments were part of the Old Covenant that now Jesus permits us to worship false gods, take God’s name in vain, and bear false witness. Those who have been swallowed up in this demonic deception have been taught many lies and twistings (doctrines of demons) in order to maintain their “captive condition.”

The videos below do not feature healthy, happy people. These are not people who are beholding the beauty of God’s creation by examining a flower or marveling at a sunset. These are not people who are wanting to show some deep act of kindness or respect for others. These are not people who want to include and “love” everyone, even those who disagree with them.

But especially, these are not people obedient to the gospel of Jesus, who have surrendered their lives and their control to Him, or have stood in (or continued in) the waters of baptism for the ongoing work of salvation and cleansing.

No, these are people who glory in their shame and have taken a position of cruel assault, especially toward their parents. These are people who hearts and minds are consumed by death, and they (that is, the demons that influence them) are salivating for your children, your grand-children and your children’s children’s children.

Partway through this video there is a scene where one of these demonically-energized individuals stands with blood oozing continually through his hands, while speaking words of death and words against so-called “deadnames.”

What do I believe is the ultimate antidote to such venom?

We must speak these so-called deadnames loudly, clearly and as often as possible.
We must speak them aloud in our prayer closets and often, in various ways, when we think of our loved one. I believe there is prayerful power in speaking these so-called “deadnames” boldly before God, keeping them alive in the spiritual, heavenly realms until such time as Jesus fully snatches our beloved children back out of the hand of the evil one!

Speak them into the air of your prayer closet–speak them as you sit down and as you rise up, speak them in the middle of the night aloud as you cry out to God day and night for spiritual LIFE and deliverance–for the Lord Jesus Christ to say to these demons: “Enough! You cannot go any further” as He casts the dark, demonic creatures behind all of this back to the pit of hell, and our children are left standing, if not shaking, and in their “right minds.”

When they came to Jesus, they saw the man who had been possessed by the legion of demons, sitting there, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid.

– Mark 5:15

Back to the videos I will link below…

Let’s take a look, first, at the lyrics of this so-called song. I can’t even name this as a song. There is no musical beauty in it–only the stench of one, long tongue-spouted curse and spell-casting. Clearly, this is of an occult nature, as well as profane.

As I listen to the video and read this, I must ask, to whom is the lyricist addressing these statements? It would seem to me, they are addressing their mother. Is the “hands on your neck” a reference to wanting to kill the person? And what is the meaning of “I’m your majesty?”

Deadname! Lyrics

[Verse 1: FLASCH]
The old me is dead
Someone write a fucking eulogy

Hands on your neck
Your favorite jewelry
Don’t need all your insecurities
Before you ruin me

The new me is great
Yeah, I‘m doing all the shit you like (Hate)
Now you‘re double-tapping on my face (Like)
I know you‘re always stalking me, watching me
Fly on the wall, you‘re haunting me

[Pre-Chorus: FLASCH]
And then I see you at the show
Tell everybody how you love me
You miss the old me
You think it‘s crazy how much I change

[Chorus: FLASCH]
You say my deadname
Out loud
I‘m not fucking Emily
Rose or Kate

I‘m a legend
I‘m your majesty

The girl you knew is dead to me

Moving on, here is another in this demonic genre that reveals what the idea of “deadname” actually represents. Even the band’s name “Spirit Board” gives us clear information of the source of this ideology.


How dare you say that name
I was never yours to claim
How dare you say that name
I was never yours to claim
How dare you say that name
I was never yours to claim
How dare you say that name
I was never yours to claim

There′s a part of me
That wants to hang my self
Back up inside of my closet
I promise that I will not lock it
So they can find me
So they can see me
Not the way I am
But still so young and pretty

My mother misses her
My brother doesn’t want him
This family dinners dark
And my father doesn′t listen
My mother misses her
My brother doesn’t want him
This family dinners dark
And my father doesn’t listen
(I don′t belong here)

Odd body stuck inside the mirror
Now these scars make me look clearer
I face myself with the face I always was
I′m happy now that name is written in the dust

My mother misses her
My brother doesn’t want him
This family dinners dark
And my father doesn′t listen
My mother misses her
My brother doesn’t want him
This family dinners dark
And my father doesn′t listen
(I don’t belong here)

Why did God make me this way
Why dear God is there even a reason to stay
Why did God make me this way
Why dear God is there even a reason to stay

She was never me

My mother misses her
My brother doesn′t want him
This family dinners dark
And my father doesn’t listen
My mother misses her
My brother doesn’t want him
This family dinners dark
And my father doesn′t listen
(I don′t belong here)

Why did God make me this way
Why dear God is there even a reason to stay

Writer(s): Aj Kelley, Christian Barrix, Dom Savage, Josh Baugh, Kyle Cunningham<br>Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com

And if you thought those were outliers, here is yet another:

This one is also full of a number of satanic, occult symbols, many of which we might see in tattoo form if we are aware of the symbols/connections to alchemy and the occult.


I’m out here
You better get my name right
I’m out here
You better get my name right
I’m out here
You better get my name
I’m out here
You better get my name right
Fuck it up

And in this one, we get a taste of the vile, demonic act of “cursing those who won’t confess:

“A little ditty I made for pride month back in June, this is for all my trans comrades. Fuck all those dead naming assholes, you are valid as heck. ❤️ 🏳️‍🌈 ❤️ (hurry up with the trans flag emoji already)”

And as if it wasn’t already absolutely clear, the demonic venom displayed for those who won’t confess is most strongly linked to parents:

I came across a documentary called “Dead Name” which can be purchased for $14.99 to watch at this website. (unlimited access/watching)

Here is one trailer for the film. I have watched it and highly recommend that those who want to understand even more (or who may have any remaining doubts about the nature of this beast) to watch and especially, to share with others. In the video below, they recommend having a screening at your church or in a small group. This topic is too important for Christians to remain unclear about.

And now for the cleansing love of God and the speaking of two short, powerful words:

“Come Home.”

No matter who you are and how far you have wandered, know that the Father is watching on the horizon for you. Just one step toward Him and He will run to you…

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling

Calling for you and for me

See, on your portals He’s waiting and watching

Watching for you and for me

Come home, come home

Ye who are weary come home

Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling

Calling O sinner come home

Oh! For the wonderful love He has promised

Promised for you and for me

Tho’ we have sinned He has mercy and pardon

Pardon for you and for me

Come home, come home

Ye who are weary come home

Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling

Calling O sinner come home

Gently He leads those who carry their young ones

Shepherd for you and for me

Surely His goodness and mercy will follow

Ever with you and with me

Earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling

Calling O sinner come home

Calling O sinner come home

Thank You For Reading
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