POETRY SLAMS from Broken People in this Broken World

February 5, 2022

po·et·ry slam noun

  1. a competition using elimination rounds for the reading or performance of poetry.


I suppose this is a two-blog-post kind of Saturday.

Will keep this rather short with my thoughts…

Several years ago a friend sent me this link to a young woman reading a poetical expression concerning her depression and anxiety. I must say, her expression and especially, her delivery, lacks proper words that might convey my high applause of this piece.

While everyone’s unseen battles – with anxiety, depression, spirituality, conflict and so much more – is so unique, and while I don’t personally relate to this young woman’s unique experience per se, I do relate to a number of other underlying expressions in this.

She is caught in a terrible battle between her inner world and the perceptions and judgments of others in what seems like perpetual no-win situations. This piece is heart-wrenching and artistically provocative.

I have written a number of poems in response to all sorts of happenings and seasons during my life, poems I might only share on occasion with trusted friends.

So grateful that God surrounds me with various women in my life…and I’m feeling in the mood for some type of personal telephone poetry slam maybe later today…

The reading aloud of poetry is priceless and sacred, even when anger-laced (both rational or irrational), arising from the well-formed personal pits we fall into…

Thank You For Reading
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