

Unfinished…and Eternity

I continue to gradually dig through and sort through old photos and other things I’ve kept over the years– re-organizing, discarding or gifting certain items. I think that as we age, it is good to gradually do this to make sure that one day the stuff which might be of some value to those left behind would be more apparent. The above image has a finished sea shell, unfinished wildflowers, and an unfinished painting of Asters that I have recently...

Activities of the Nighttime

On my drive to Delaware tonight I saw something that surprised me as I was on 896 South at almost 9 pm, well past dark. I saw ahead under passing lights what looked like illuminated dust blowing around on the road. At first, I thought it might be smoke. As I entered into this dusty cloud I looked off to my right and about 20 feet or so from the road I saw four horses pulling a large, high-up, illuminated...

Opinion: Pennie and York County DHS –“No Harm, No Foul?” (Part 2)

I started Part I of this with a statement I heard last night in a YouTube webinar that came up under some series of search terms I put into Google, relating to my speculative ponderings. I’m going to assume that if you read Part I and have continued here, that you find this topic/situation of interest. And I’m going to assume that I don’t need to specifically reference statements made in this 29-minute video precisely–I’m going to assume that you...

He Sustains Me With Raisins

I was feeling pretty discouraged in various ways when I went to bed last night. Partly situational, but a good deal of it was simply being absolutely saturated with listening to all kinds of podcasts and news updates this past week and yesterday, especially. I had over three hours of road time yesterday listening to this stuff, and then last night as I painted, I listened to more. It’s discouraging for a number of reasons. I awoke this morning gearing...

The Fire is Your Friend

One of my FB friends shared something I read tonight and I thought I’d start off with a re-telling of the story he shared. He’s a DJ, and he told the sad story of showing up early for a booked 70th birthday party and no one was at the venue nor was anything set up for the event. He called the client and learned that the person of honor had suddenly passed away a week ago, and everyone was at...