Mabel Irene Linger

My mother’s older sister, Mabel Irene Linger, was fourth in the birth order of the ten Linger siblings born to John Curry Linger and Mary Effie Carter. __________ On the back of one of the above three photos, was a hand-notation that it was taken at Glen Echo. Since the attire of Aunt Mabel and her friend are identical, I grouped the three images together. I Googled “Glen Echo” and discovered a bit of interesting history. It was an amusement...

The Linger Family Overview, History and Memorabilia

The following basic genealogical outline was found in The Linger Family History, by Fred J. Linger and Hartzel G. Strader, published by Gateway Press, Inc., 1989. Where possible, additional information will be pieced into this outline (ongoing project), along with footnoted source(s) or links, if applicable. Increasingly, and especially as I attempt to write about my mother’s life story, my thoughts turn to those of family systems in a partial attempt to interpret a number of things. _________ To write,...

Hell Came Calling This Morning…

I know the title is shocking, perhaps, but my intention is far from profanity. The word “hell” was on the lips of Jesus Himself, a few times in scripture. Technically, it was another word in Aramaic that came to us translated as such. I seem to be regularly moving through a number of ongoing difficult and hellish situations. No day is one-hundred percent difficult, or one-hundred percent of anything. As CS Lewis noted, something along the lines of “we never...

On Election Day, We Speak Their NAMES

Have you ever found yourself speaking out loud on occasion, speaking into an empty room? Or mumbling aloud under your breath? Those that live alone, I’m sure, are likely more prone to this freedom of speech, and a variety of freedom of thought and sound… “Where are my keys?“ “Jesus.“ “What was I doing again…why did I come in here???” Today, many people will arrive at some polling place to speak names through marking a ballot. They will speak forth...