

Thoughts on Creativity Processes on a Friday Night…

If I don’t form a new blog piece once or twice a week, I get the urge to make myself write and complete something. Writing is also becoming a kind of discipline for me, alongside my other creative-expressive works. There are actually several blog pieces in process I wish I could easily tackle, but what would be involved in finishing them–and finishing them well–eludes me tonight. Sometimes…I find with both art and writing that I’m actually working on something in...

I Hereby Beckon the Magnetic Pull of Needless Problems to Keep Coming My Way!!!

It’s a crazy crazy world…every day we are all bombarded with stuff that is increasingly embedded in technological and other processes beyond our control! And then, we are expected to just absorb it all…with stoic calmness…lol…. It’s been a humdinger of a week…actually in the past month I’ve probably lost at least a good solid forty hours (in small and large increments, of course…) on a seemingly senseless (and seemingly endless) stringed series of…um…mistakes and…um… “complications.” Here’s to…a four day...

And You Thought Your Drunk Uncle Was Bad!

She’s back! Chrissy G. Justchrissythatsall. I mean…I just stepped outside for a minute and she crashed the Thanksgiving party through the back door! There she sat, banging the table with fork in hand, chanting, “I WANT TURKEY. I WANT TURKEY. I WANT TURKEY.” Two of my guests, Crouble and Marley, were so scared they hid under the table! At least Chrissy was dressed nicely, and sporting lovely Mardi Gras beads. However another guest soon discovered she had taken his special...

The Art of Aloneness

The sense of being alone is far too common in this world.  Some of the most obvious reasons are the widow, the orphan, the misfits, the divorced, and yes, the unhappily married…just to name a few. I imagine the ways each person who finds themselves in alone places either regularly or from time to time are as unique as the person.  There is a quotation I’ve liked that came from James Taylor in one of his documentary interviews: ​ “To me, very...