

Public Humiliation and Graceland

Today I find reason to think about several things that sometimes circulate in my mind from time to time as part of my overall situation. I don’t have much time as I take a break by my computer with my late lunch/early dinner…but while these thoughts are fresh in mind I will share. One of my first pieces written here about my second divorce is called The Divorce Casket. I mention as it comes to mind the next few paragraphs...

An Undivided Heart

Today marks another Valentine’s Day where I (and many others) find themselves in some condition of aloneness in this life–even those who are married may ultimately exist in this state of being for any number of reasons. Today also marks the beginning of Lent–Ash Wednesday. I like the idea of taking something up during Lent rather than giving something up. As I prepared for sleep last night, I thought that perhaps during this Lenten season I should daily take up...