

The Fire is Your Friend

One of my FB friends shared something I read tonight and I thought I’d start off with a re-telling of the story he shared. He’s a DJ, and he told the sad story of showing up early for a booked 70th birthday party and no one was at the venue nor was anything set up for the event. He called the client and learned that the person of honor had suddenly passed away a week ago, and everyone was at...

An Undivided Heart

Today marks another Valentine’s Day where I (and many others) find themselves in some condition of aloneness in this life–even those who are married may ultimately exist in this state of being for any number of reasons. Today also marks the beginning of Lent–Ash Wednesday. I like the idea of taking something up during Lent rather than giving something up. As I prepared for sleep last night, I thought that perhaps during this Lenten season I should daily take up...

Doves, Bacon and Staying the Course

Provocative titles can make the difference between whether someone wants to read a book, news story or blogpost. I was about to call this Doves, Onions and Staying the Course but if you read on, you will understand why bacon also came into my mind. Anything having to do with bacon may capture one’s attention! Not that this expression is particularly worthy of attention (it is my own musings) but hey, if I’m going to write about something in my...

Guest Writing: A Christmas Memory, by Lucy S. Moise

I think I was about seventeen years old. Christmas Eve had finally come. The choir at our church had worked very hard on our Christmas music and I felt like I was ready. When the Midnight Mass Service was over, I felt extra good about myself. I had been in the church choir for several years already, but this time I felt more grown up. I felt like I had contributed my voice to bless others, and felt like I...