

It’s All So Remarkable

As I was pulling into the Walmart center late this afternoon, I glanced off toward a small car that immediately caught my artist’s eye. From about fifty feet away, it appeared to somehow be entirely covered in stickers. I immediately had some image of an old rusty car being held together by stickers as my mind quickly contemplated the paper-mache-like appearance of this vehicle. I thought to myself, “that’s remarkable.” And I found myself doing a u-turn and pulling into...


(Written November 11, 2022) Fear Sometimes I am frightened by what is in me and what I cannot change Sometimes I am frightened by what is around me, and out there, unknown to me, that I cannot change Sometimes I hold out hope that all is not yet lost, yet I see no change Sometimes I feel too tired, there’s just been too much change But always I am human, and subject to change And my condition universal, yet particularly...

I Think Jesus is in Love With Me!!!

Yes, Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so! I do believe He’s in love with me…and…He’s in love with you all, too! And I’m not even jealous!!! Did you know that Jesus walks around in my field with me here? He does!!! We walk and talk as good friends should and do! We hold hands and laugh together – it’s so loud it scares my chickens! Jesus and I walk through lots of colors! He...