

Timeless Distilled Theology

Today in the late afternoon after being indoors focusing on mentally draining tasks and absorbed in backburner melancholies of sorts, I just had to get outside for my daily dose of that which is good for my soul. With so many outdoor tasks calling to me in the autumn as preparations for winter hasten, I found myself gravitating toward going into my small back pasture area to continue picking up black walnuts and shagbark hickories. I suppose my older son’s...

Jesus, Our Mediator

Our relationship with Jesus is the most personal and precious and open and vulnerable relationship we can imagine and cultivate.  In my view, it is one where there are no rules.  No right or wrong way to talk to Him and with Him.Because we can trust that the gentlest of hands – His hands – will sift through the wheat and the chaff of our expressions – keeping and especially acting upon what He knows to be good, right and...